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語源ab (離れる)の英単語の意味まとめ



abdicate /ˈæbdɪkèɪt/:退位する



Abdicate means “to give up one’s position”, and the etymology comes from ab (apart) and dicere (declare). The original meaning is Latin abdicare (to declare to not belong). Let’s see an example sentence.

If a revolution is succeeded in a country, the king are forced to abdicate the throne. The present pope works in their lifetime and rarely abdicate the job before their death. However, the Roman Pope Benedict XVI willingly abdicated his job in his lifetime. The reason is the decline of his health for aging. In 2017, the Japanese government established the law for the emperor of Japan to abdicate willingly.


abduct /æbdˈʌkt/:拉致する



Abduct means “to take someone away forcefully”, and the etymology comes from ab (apart) and ducere (lead). The original idea is Latin abducere (to take away). The synonym is kidnap.

Kidnap means taking someone away for a ransom and used in everyday English. Abduct is a formal word used in journalism. Let’s see example sentences.

North Korea abducted 17 Japanese people, but the 12 people have not returned yet.


abhor /əbhˈɔɚ/:嫌う

abhorは「嫌う」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とhorrere(震える)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabhorrere(尻込みする)です。同義語はhate, loathe, can’t stand, despiseです。


Abhor means “dislike”, and the etymology comes from ab (apart) and horrere (tremble). The original meaning is the Latin abhorrere (to shrink).

Abhor means to hate things morally wrong. Synonyms are hate, loathe, can’t stand, despise. Let’s see example sentences.

People with a strong sense of justice abhor crime and aim to be a prosecutor or police. Fair people abhor discrimination.


abnormal /æbnˈɔɚm(ə)l/:異常な

abnormalは「異常な」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とnorma(規則)に由来します。同義語はunusual, strange, uncommon, extraordinaryです。


Abnormal means “not normal”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and norma (rules). The synonyms are unusual, strange, uncommon, extraordinary.

Abnormal is used in unfavorable things. Machines with defect make an abnormal noise. Abnormal weathers like cool summer or cold waves cause serious damage to farm products. Abnormal behaviors are the signs of mental illness.


abolish /əbάlɪʃ/:廃止する

abolishは「廃止する」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とadolere(増える)に由来します。原義はabolere(消し去る))です。同義語はdo away with, repeal, put an end toです。


Abolish means “to end something”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and adolere (grow). The original meaning is abolere (get rid of). The synonyms are do away with, repeal, put an end to.

Abolish is used to get rid of unnecessary laws or systems. Capital punishment (or death penalty) is abolished in European countries. Dismissal regulation should be abolished to improve the mobility of employee.


aborigine /`æbərídʒənìː/:アボリジニ



Aborigine means “the first inhabitant in Australia”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and oriri (be born). The original meaning is aborigines (first inhabitant) in Latin.

Aborigine is the natives in Australian continent with thick body hair and dark skin. Once many aborigines had lived in Australian continent, but most of them died for epidemic and mass murder by Western people.

Now, Aborigines made up with Caucasians. The word Aborigine has a discriminative nuance, and so we should call them Aboriginal or Indigenous Australians.


abortion /əbˈɔɚʃən/:中絶

abortionは「中絶」を意味し、語源はab(間違った)とoriri(生まれる)に由来します。原義はラテン語のaboriri(流産する)です。同義語はmiscarriage, terminationです。


Abortion means “a medical operation to end pregnancy”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and oriri (be born). The original meaning is aboriri (to miscarry) in Latin. The synonyms are miscarriage and termination.

If prenatal diagnosis discovers a fetus’s disability, pregnant women choose whether to raise them or to have an abortion. If women get pregnant unwillingly without enough money for childcare, many would have abortion.

Abortion suffers women physically and mentally. Performing abortion may be hard for doctors. To reduce the number of abortion, we need social system to accept these babies. Many foreign countries have a special adoption system, but this is not famous in Japan yet.


abrasive /əˈbreɪsɪv/ :研磨剤



Abrasive means “a substance to make something smooth”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and radere (to scrape).

Abrasive is a substance to polish a surface of other substances. The normal abrasive is powdered. Combining abrasives with binder produces artificial grindstones. Sticking abrasive on paper makes abrasive papers. Disc-shaped abrasives are set on polishing machines.

Abrasive is also used to make a rough surface. Sandblasting is the technology to make a rough surface by spraying abrasive, used for frosting glass.


abrogate /ˈæbrəgèɪt/:廃止する

abrogateは「廃止する」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とrogare(頼むこと)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabrogare(無効にする)です。同義語はabolish, repealです。


Abrogate means “to end a law or a system”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and rogare (ask). The original meaning is abrogare (nullify) in Latin. The synonyms are abolish and repeal.

Abrogate means to officially cancel legal agreements and practices. Powerless countries hope to abrogate unequal treaties.


abrupt /əbrˈʌpt/:突然の、ぞんざいな

abruptは「突然の」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とrumpere(壊れる)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabrumpere(引きちぎる)です。同義語はsudden, unexpectedです。



Abrupt means “sudden and unexpected”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and rumpere (break). The original meaning is abrumpere (break off) in Latin. The synonyms are sudden and unexpected. Let’s show example sentences.

Programmers get angry at the abrupt change of the specifications by their customers. Abrupt behavior surprises people around.

The second meaning of abrupt is “attitude and way of speaking are unnatural”. For example, an arrogant boss takes an abrupt attitude with his subordinates. The abrupt way of talking makes people isolated.


abscond /æbskάnd/:脱走する

abscondは「脱走する」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とcondere(まとめる)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabscondere(隠れる)です。同義語はescape, run away, fleeです。


Abscond means “to escape”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and condere (put together). The original meaning is abscondere (hide) in Latin. The synonyms are escape, run away and flee.

A cunning criminal abscond from the prison. Abscond is used to run away with money and goods. Shops installs surveillance cameras to prevent staffs from absconding with money.


absent /ˈæbsnt/:欠席

absentは「欠席」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とesse(存在する)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabesse(離れている)です。同義語はbe away, stay away, be not here (or there)です。


Absent means “to not be there”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and esse (to be). The original meaning is abesse (to be away from) in Latin. The synonyms are be away, stay away, be not here (there).

Absent means not at offices or schools. When children have a cold, they are absent from school. Staffs of sweatshop cannot get absent for illness. Students, usually absent from lectures, cannot get enough credit for graduation.


absolute /ˈæbsəlùːt/:完璧、絶対

absoluteは「完璧、絶対」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とsolvere(緩める)に由来します。原義はabsolvere(自由にする)です。同義語はcomplete, pure, totalです。


Absolute means “to be complete”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and solvere (to loose). The original meaning is absolvere (to set free). The synonyms are complete, pure and total.

Absolute puts emphasis on something. An eminent programmer has absolute confidence in their program. People cannot keep their balance in absolute darkness. It is absolute nonsense to try to become rich with lottery.

We use absolute in chemistry. The temperature, an atom and a molecule completely stop, is absolute temperature. 0K or -273℃ means absolute zero. Absolute alcohol has no moisture. We clean electronic appliances with this.


absorb /əbsˈɔɚb/:吸収する

absorbは「吸収する」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とsorbere(吸い込む)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabsorbere(貪る)です。同義語はsoap up, suck inです。


Absolute means “to take something in”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and sorbere (suck in). The original meaning is absorbere (devour) in Latin. The synonyms are soap up and suck in.

Absorb means to take in moisture, gas etc. A car air bag absorbs impact of traffic accidents. Desiccants absorb moisture within containers. Plants absorb nutrient from their roots. We use absorb in information input. As children absorb their language as a sponge, they learn it quickly. We also absorb information about what we like.

Absorb also means concentration. Gamers are absorbed in exciting games. Workaholics are absorbed in their work. Ordinary people are sometimes absorbed in interesting books or comics.


abstain /əbˈsteɪn/:慎む

abstainは「娯楽・嗜好品を慎む」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とtenere(掴む)に由来します。同義語はkeep off, refrain, stopです。


Abstain means “to stop enjoyable things”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and tenere (hold). The synonyms are keep off, refrain and stop.

We use abstain to stop enjoyable things for our health. As a wife get pregnant, her husband abstain from cigarette for their baby. As we drink too much and worsen our liver, our doctor tell us to abstain from alcohol.

We use abstain in our religions. As the Islam bible, the Koran said that hogs are dirty, Muslims abstain from pork. As the Hinduism admires bulls as sacred, hindus abstain from beef.


abstemious /əbstíːmiəs/:節度のある



Abstemious means “having foods and drinks moderately”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and temuletus (drunken).The synonym is moderate. Let’s show you example sentences.

Healthy persons have an abstemious diet. Abstemious habit keep our health and save our medical expenses.


abstract /æbstrˈækt/:抽象的

abstractは「抽象的」を意味し、語源はab(離す)とtract(引っ張る)に由来します。原義はabstrahere(引っ張り抜く)です。対義語はconcrete, specificです。


Abstract means “based on general ideas”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and tract (pull off). The original meaning is abstrahere (to pull out) in Latin. The antonyms are concrete and specific.

We use abstract for things hard to understand without specific examples. Abstract painting directly express painter’s idea or feelings instead of humans or animals. Researchers are good at abstract thought. Abstract nouns means ideas like peace or kindness.


abstruse /əbstrúːs/:難しい

abstruseは「難しい」を意味し、語源はab(離す)とtrudere(押す)に由来します。原義はabstrudere(隠す)です。同義語はhard to understandです。


Abstruse means “difficult to understand”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and trudere (push). The original meaning is abstrudere (conceal). The synonym is hard to understand (or comprehend). Let’s show you example sentences.

University libraries have many abstruse books. Students do not listen to abstruse lectures at the university. Abstruse story makes us half asleep.


absurd /əbsˈɚːd/:馬鹿げた

absurdは「馬鹿げた」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とsurdus(耳が聞こえない)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabsurdus(旋律から外れた)です。同義語はfoolish, silly, stupid, ridiculousです。


Absurd means “completely stupid”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and surdus (deaf). The original meaning is absurdus (out of tunes) in Latin. The synonyms are foolish, silly, stupid and ridiculous.

It is absurd idea to play gambles to become a wealthy person. Even if they hit a jackpot, they will instantly waste the money. They have no idea how to use money efficiently. It is also completely absurd idea that the government protect full-time workers employment by law.


abuse /əbjúːz/:虐待

abuseは「虐待」を意味し、語源はab(離れる)とuti(使う)に由来します。原義はラテン語のabuti(使い果たす)です。同義語はill-treatment, crueltyです。



Abuse means “cruel treatment”, and the etymology comes from ab (away) and uti (use). The original meaning is abuti (consume) in Latin. The synonyms are ill-treatment and cruelty.

Abuse means to treat people or animals violently. Many children suffer from child abuse. Sexual abuse often happens in a dangerous area. It is human right abuse that a country arrests people for their religion or ideas. Seemingly weak persons are tend to suffer physical abuse. Verbal abuse suffer humans mentally.

We use abuse in misuse of power or drugs. Drug abuse destroy a human life. Alcohol abuse suffers our liver. Solvent abuse in adolescence ruins human life in the future. Bitcoin is open to abuse, as the government do not establish the law. Dismissal employees unfairly is abuse of power.
