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語源pro (前)の英単語の意味まとめ



proactive /próʊǽktɪv/ : 活動的な

proactiveは「活動的な」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とactive(活動的)に由来します。同義語はactiveで、対義語はreactive, passiveです。例文を見てみましょう。勤勉な人間は仕事をすることに前向きです。外向的な人はコミュニケーションに積極的です。幸福な人間は人生に前向きです。

Proactive means “active”, and the etymology comes from pro (forward) and active. Synonyms are active, antonyms are reactive and passive. Let’s see an example sentence. A diligent man is proactive about doing his job. Extroverted people are proactive in communication. Happy people are proactive for their life.


語源act, ag, agere (動かす)の英単語の意味と例文


proceed /proʊsíːd/ : 続ける

proceedは「続ける」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とcedere(行く)に由来し、原義はprocedere(前に進む)です。同義語はcontinue, go aheadです。例文を見てみましょう。外交官は淡々と交渉を進めます。会社員は企画を進めます。私たちはコンビニで商品発送の手続きを進められます。司会役は会議を進行させます。支払い手続きを進めるには、銀行口座かクレジットカードの情報が必要です。

Proceed means “to continue something”, the etymology comes from pro (front) and cedere (go), and the original is procedere (go forward). The synonym is continue and go ahead. Let’s see an example sentence. Diplomats will proceed with negotiations gently. Employees will proceed with project. We can proceed with the shipping procedure at convenience stores. The chairman will proceed with the meeting. In order to proceed with payment, bank account information or credit card information is required.


語源ced, cedere (行く)の英単語の意味まとめ


progress /prάgrəs/ : 進歩

progressは「進歩」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とgradus(歩幅)に由来し、原義はprogredi(前に進む)です。同義語はadvance, improvement, developmentです。例文を見てみましょう。最近の情報技術の進歩は目覚ましいです。上司は企画の進捗をチェックします。生徒の発達を見守るのも先生の務めです。海外留学した日本人はどんどん英語が上達します。医学の進歩が人類の平均寿命を延ばしました。

Progress means “the process of getting better at doing something”, the origin is derived from pro (forward) and gradus (a step), and the original is progredi (go forward). Synonyms are advance, improvement and development. Let’s see an example sentence. Recent progress in information technology are remarkable. The boss checks the progress of the project. It is also the responsibility of the teacher to watch the students’ progress. Japanese who have studied abroad is making good progress in English. Progress in medicine extended the life expectancy of mankind.


語源grad, gress (歩み)の英単語の意味まとめ


prologue /próʊlɑɡ/ : 序章

prologueは「序章」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とlogos(話すこと)に由来し、原義はprologos(前もって話すこと)です。同義語はintroduction, prefaceで、対義語はepilogueです。例文を見てみましょう。読者はプロローグを読むことで、本編を理解しやすくなります。

Prologue means “the introduction of the story”, the origin is derived from pro (front) and logos (speaking), and the original is prologos (talking in advance). Synonyms are introduction and preface. Antonym is epilogue. Let’s see an example sentence. Readers can read the prologue to make it easy to understand the main story.


語源loqu, log (言葉)の英単語の意味まとめ


prominent /prάmənənt/ : 重要な


Prominent means “important”, the etymology comes from pro (front) and minere (protruding), and the original is prominere (protruding). Let’s see an example sentence. Sleep plays a prominent role in daily life. Bloggers with high writing skill become prominent on the Internet. A prominent politician is good at grasping the hearts of people. An excellent person should take a prominent position in the company. Natsume Soseki is a prominent Japanese writer.


promulgate /prάməlgèɪt/ : 発布する

promulgateは「発布する」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とvulgare(公にする)に由来します。同義語はissue, announceです。例文を見てみましょう。1946年に日本政府は日本国憲法を発布しました。法令を国民に広く知らせるにはマスメディアが必要です。

Promulgate means “to make a law public”, and the etymology comes from pro (front) and vulgare (public). Synonyms are issue and announce. Let’s see an example sentence. In 1946 the Japanese government promulgated the Constitution of Japan. Mass media is necessary to promulgate the law.


prophylaxis /pròʊfəlˈæksɪs/ : 予防

prophylaxisは「予防」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とphylaxis(見ること)に由来します。同義語はprevention, precaution, protectionです。例文を見てみましょう。バランスの良い食生活や十分な睡眠はうつ予防になります。冬場にマスクをつけることは、風邪の予防につながります。予防接種の目的は、感染症の予防です。

Prophylaxis means “a treatment to prevent diseases”, and the etymology comes from pro (previous) and phylaxis (watching). Synonyms are prevention, precaution and protection. Let’s see an example sentence. A balanced diet and adequate sleep will become prophylaxis of depression. Wearing a mask in the winter becomes the prophylaxis of a cold. The aim of vaccination is prophylaxis of infectious diseases.


proponent /prəpóunənt/ : 提唱者


Proponent means “someone who supports particular idea”, the etymology comes from pro (before) and ponere (put), and the principle is proponere (put forward). Synonym is advocate. Let’s see an example sentence. Feminist is a proponent of women’s rights expansion. Gun control proponent is disadvantaged in American politics. That lawyer is a human rights proponent.


語源pos, pound (置く)の英単語の意味まとめ


protrude /proʊtrúːd/ : 突き出る

protrudeは「突き出る」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とtrudere(押す)に由来し、原義はprotrudere(押し出す)です。同義語はstick out, jut out, projectです。例文を見てみましょう。ポリープは、粘膜の表面についた突起物です。

Protrude means “to stick out”, the etymology comes from pro (front) and trudere (push), the original meaning is protrudere (push out). Synonyms are stick out, jut out and project. Let’s see an example sentence. Polyps are things that protrude from the surface of mucous membranes.


語源trude (押す)の英単語の意味まとめ
