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語源pos, pound (置く)の英単語の意味まとめ



component /kʌmˈpoʊnənt/ : 構成要素

componentは「構成要素」を意味し、語源はcomponere(まとめる)に由来します。同義語はelement, constituent, ingredientです。厳密な違いとしては、elementがもっとも一般的な単語で、componentは機械部品に、constituentは化学物質に、ingredientは食品に使われます。


Component is “a part of something”, and the etymology comes from componere (to put together). Synonyms are element, constituent, ingredient. The exact difference is that element is the most common word, component is used for machine parts, constituent for chemical substances and ingredient for food.

Let’s see an example sentence. Kyocera and Murata Manufacturing are famous electronic component manufacturers. The most important personal computer component for enjoying PC games is graphic boards. In addition, the CPU is a very important electronic component that plays the role of a brain in a personal computer. Subjects, verbs and objects are important components of English sentences.


compose /kəmpˈəʊz/ : 構成する、作曲する

composeは「構成する」を意味し、語源はcom(一緒)とposer(置く)に由来し、原義は古期フランス語のcomposer(並べる)です。同義語はconsist of, make up of, constituteです。composeは受け身で使われることが多いです。例文を見てみましょう。国家の領域は領土、領海、領空で構成されています。水は水素と酸素でできています。WebページのほとんどはHTMLというパソコン言語で構成されています。人間の体は、水分、タンパク質、脂肪、ミネラルなどで構成されています。

composeの二つ目の意味は「曲を作る」で、曲書く人はcomposerと呼ばれます。歴史的に有名な作曲家、ベートーベンは非常に多くの曲を作曲しました。現在では誰でもDTMソフトで気軽に作曲ができます。Apple製品を使っている人は、Garage Bandというアプリで作曲できます。

Compose means “consist of”, the etymology comes from com (together) and poser (put), the original meaning is an old French composer (to arrange). Synonyms are “consist of”, “make up of” and “constitute”. Compose often used in the passive form. Let’s see an example sentence. The domain of the state is composed of its territory, territorial waters, and territorial air. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Most of the Web pages are composed of HTML, a personal computer language. The human body is composed of moisture, protein, fat, minerals and so on.

The second meaning of compose is “to write songs”, and those who compose songs are called composers. A historically famous composer, Beethoven, has composed so many songs. Now anyone can feel free to compose musics with DTM (DeskTopMusic) software. People using Apple products can compose with an application called Garage Band.


compost /kάmpoʊst/ : 堆肥

compostは「堆肥」を意味し、語源はcom(一緒)とponere(置く)に由来し、原義はラテン語のcomponere(組み合わせる)です。同義語はmanure, fertilizerです。厳密な違いとしては、compostの原料は落ち葉や食物、manureの原料は動物の排泄物で、fertilizerは化学肥料のニュアンスが強いです。


Compost means “a substance to improve the soil”, the etymology comes from com (together) and ponere (put), the original meaning is the Latin combinationere (to put together). Synonyms are manure and fertilizer. As strict differences, compost’s raw material is fallen leaves and food, manure’s raw material is animal excrement, fertilizer is strong nuisance of chemical fertilizer.

Compost is a fertilizer produced by microorganisms decomposing organic matter and is a type of organic fertilizer. The advantage of using compost is that it improves water spillage and drainage, and suppresses the occurrence of pest insects. However, without properly processed compost, there is a risk of causing parasites and infectious diseases. Farmers appropriately use compost, manure and chemical fertilizer, and produce a lot of agricultural crops.


composite /kɑmpάzɪt/ : 複合の


Composite means “consisting of multiple materials”, and the etymology comes from com (together) and ponere (put). Let’s see an example sentence. Composite pictures are made by cutting and pasting multiple photos. Idol collage is also a type of composite photograph. Alloys, ceramics and synthetic resins are classified as composite materials. Composite terminals were used in older gaming machines, but now they are replaced by HDMI jacks.


compote /kάmpoʊt/ : コンポート


Compote means “a fruit cooked in sugar water”, the etymology comes from composte (mixture). A compote is made by boiling fruits with sugar water. Even fruit with little sweetness, you can eat it deliciously by cooking on a compote. It is common to eat compote with yogurt or ice cream. Compote can not be saved compared with jam, so let’s eat it as soon as you make it.


compound /kɑmpάʊnd/ : 化合物


Compound means “substance containing several elements”, the etymology comes from com (together) and ponere (put), and the original meaning is Latin componere (to mix). A compound is a substance in which atoms of two or more elements are combined by a chemical reaction, and the opposite term is a simple substance. For example, water is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Do not confuse compounds with mixtures. A compound is a substance, but a mixture consists of two or more substances.


decompose /dìːkəmpóʊz/ : 腐敗する

decomposeは「腐敗する」を意味し、語源はde(否定)とcompose(構成する)に由来します。同義語はrot, spoil, decay, corruptionです。腐敗とは、微生物がタンパク質を分解し、人体に有害な物質を発生させることです。微生物が人間に有益な形で有機物を分解するとき、その現象は発酵と呼ばれます。例えば、アルコールは酵素は糖類を二酸化炭素とアルコールに分解することで作られます。また、ヨーグルトやチーズなどの乳製品は、細菌が糖類を乳酸に分解することで作られます。微生物の分解作用は私たちの食生活を支えているのです。

Decompose means “corruption”, and the etymology comes from de (negation) and compose (constitute). Synonyms are rot, spoil, decay and corruption. Decay is that microorganisms decompose proteins and generate substances harmful to the human body. When microorganisms decompose organic matter beneficially to humans, the phenomenon is called fermentation. For example, alcohol is made by decomposing sugars into carbon dioxide and alcohol. Also, dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are made by bacteria decomposing sugars into lactic acid. The decomposition of microorganisms supports our eating habits.


deposit /dɪpάzɪt/ : 頭金、預金

depositは「頭金」を意味し、語源はde(離れる)とponere(置く)に由来し、原義はdeponere(下に置く)です。同義語はdown paymentです。頭金とは、車や住宅をローンで買う前に支払うお金のことです。頭金を支払うことで、ローンの利息と返済金額を減らすことができます。昔は住宅価格の2割の頭金を用意することが常識でしたが、今では頭金なしでも住宅ローンを組むことができます。また部屋を借りるときには、私たちは保証金を前もって支払います。部屋の退去時には、保証金から修繕費を差し引いた金額が返ってきます。

depositの二つ目の意味は「預金」で、同義語はaccount, saving、対義語はwithdrawalです。例えば私たちは多額の現金を手に入れたら、そのお金を自分の口座に預金します。財布の中のお金が少ない場合は、預金から数万円を引き出します。定期預金は普通預金よりも利息が高いです。日本の銀行の預金利息はものすごく低いです。自分の預金残高は預金通帳で確認できます。

Deposit means “money paid before purchase”, the etymology comes from de (leave) and ponere (to put), the original meaning is deponere (to put down). The synonym is down payment. A deposit is the money you pay before buying a car or housing at a loan. By paying deposit, you can reduce the interest and repayment amount of the loan. In the past it was common sense to prepare a deposit of 20% of the house price, but now it is possible to organize a mortgage without paying deposit. When borrowing a room, we will pay the deposit in advance. When we move out of the room, we will receive the amount deducting the repair cost from the deposit.

The second meaning of deposit is “money paid into bank account”, the synonym is account, saving, and the antonym is withdrawal. For example, if we get a lot of cash, we deposit that money in our account. When there is little money in our wallet, we draw several ten thousand yen from the deposit. Time deposits have higher interest than ordinary deposits. Interest on deposits in Japanese banks is extremely low. You can check your deposit balance in your deposit book.


dispose /dɪspˈəʊz/ : 配置する、処分する

disposeは「配置する」を意味し、語源はdis(離れる)とponere(置く)に由来し、原義はラテン語のdisponere(並べる)です。同義語はarrange, placeです。例文を見てみましょう。博物館には展示物がきれいに並べてあります。几帳面な人は家具や生活用品をきれいに配置します。

dispose ofは「不要なものを処分する」を意味し、同義語はget rid of, throw away, discardです。大型家具を処分するのにはお金がかかります。原子力発電所から発生する放射性廃棄物は厳重かつ安全に処理されます。産業廃棄物を不法に処理することは、公害の原因になります。

Dispose means “to arrange things”, the etymology comes from dis (depart) and ponere (put), the original meaning is the Latin disponere (to arrange). Synonyms are arrange and place. Let’s see an example sentence. Exhibits are neatly disposed in the museum. A well-timed person disposes furniture and daily necessities neatly.

Dispose of means “to get rid of unnecessary things”, and its synonyms are get rid of, throw away and discard. It costs money to dispose of large furniture. Radioactive waste generated from nuclear power plants is disposed strictly and safely. Disposing  of industrial waste illegally can cause pollution.


expose /ekspóʊz/ : 晒す


Expose means “to show something that is usually hidden”, the etymology comes from ex (outside) and ponere (putting), the original meaning is the Latin exponere (exposing). Synonym is reveal. Let’s see an example sentence. When you expose your skin to sunlight, it becomes brown. Potatoes become green when exposed to sunlight. Let’s keep the bicycle not to be exposed to the rain. Do not expose the photo to sunlight. The mission of a journalist is to expose society’s corruption. Women put a parasol not to expose their skin to the sun. You should not expose your weakness to rivals.


expound /ekspάʊnd/ : 解説する

expoundは「解説する」を意味し、語源はex(外)とponere(置く)に由来します。同義語はexplain, comment onです。例文を見てみましょう。大学の講師は生徒に難しい事柄を解説します。牧師さんは信者に聖書の教えを説きます。

Expound means “to explain in detail”, and the etymology comes from ex (outside) and ponere (putting on). Synonyms are explain and comment on. Let’s see an example sentence. University instructors will expound difficult things to students. The pastor expounds the believer on the teachings of the Bible.


impose /ɪmpˈəʊz/ : 課する

imposeは「ルールや罰、税金を課する」を意味し、語源はin(中)とponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はlay, assignです。例文を見てみましょう。警察は交通違反者に罰金を科します。国連は北朝鮮に核兵器・ミサイル保有を理由とする経済制裁を課しています。国は国民に様々な税金を課しています。大量殺人犯は極刑に処されます。他人に自分の意見を押し付けることは、賢くないことです。会社での人間関係は労働者の重圧になります。

Impose means “to put rules, punishment and taxes on”, the etymology comes from in (middle) and ponere (put), and its synonyms are lay and assign. Let’s see an example sentence. The police will impose fines on traffic violators. The United Nations imposes economic sanctions on North Korea on the grounds of holding nuclear weapons and missiles. The country imposes various taxes on the people. Death sentence is imposed on mass killers. It is not clever to impose others’ opinions on others. Human relations at the company impose a strain on the workers.


opponent /əpóunənt/ : 相手

opponentは「相手」を意味し、語源はob(邪魔する)とponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はcompetitor, rival, match, counterpartです。例文を見てみましょう。難しいゲームでは、手強い敵がたくさん登場します。人徳のある政治家は政敵からも尊敬されます。好敵手と競い合うことで、モチベーションを高めることができます。好戦的なゲーマーは相手を打ち負かすことに達成感を得ます。

opponentの二つ目の意味は「考えに反対する人」で、同義語はdissenter, objector、対義語はsupporter, proponentです。死刑反対論者は、国に死刑を廃止することを求めます。国家が安楽死を導入する前に、安楽死反対論者の意見を聞き入れるべきです。全米ライフル協会は銃規制の強大な反対者です。

Opponent means “someone that you have to defeat”, the etymology comes from ob (obstructing) and ponere (putting), and its synonyms are competitor, rival, match and counterpart. Let’s see an example sentence. In difficult games, a lot of formidable opponent will appear. Politicians with virtues are also respected by political opponents. By competing with an opponent, we can increase our motivation. Militant gamers get a sense of accomplishment in defeating the opponent.

The second meaning of opponent is “someone who oppose an idea”, and its synonyms are dissenter and objector, and its antonyms are supporter and proponent. The death sentence opponents urge the state to abolish the death penalty. Before the state introduces euthanasia, it should listen to the opinion of opponents of euthanasia. The National Rifle Association is a mighty opponent of gun control.


oppose /əpˈəʊz/ : 反対する

opposeは「反対する」を意味し、語源はopponere(反対する)とposer(置く)に由来します。同義語はobject, disagree, be against, be opposed to, resistです。例文を見てみましょう。多くの国民は消費税の増税に反対します。野党は与党の政策に反対します。キリスト教徒は生命を尊重しており、中絶に反対しています。保守的な人間はあらゆる変化や改革に反対します。

Oppose means “to disagree with ideas or plans”, and the etymology comes from opponere (against) and poser (put). Synonyms are object, disagree, be against, be opposed to and resist. Let’s see an example sentence. Many citizens oppose the consumption tax raise. The opposition opposes the ruling party’s policy. Christians respect life and are opposed to abortion. Conservative humans oppose any change or reform.


pose /póʊz/ : もたらす、ポーズ



Pose means “bringing bad things”, and the etymology comes from poser (putting). Let’s see an example sentence. Radioactive substances pose a big threat to us. Declining birth rate and aging will pose shortage of manpower in the future. Euthanasia pose dilemmas to the elderly. Trading FX with high leverage pose economically big risk. Smoking pose the risk of cancer. Smoking in bed pose the risk of fire.

The second meaning of pose is “posture for photographs and paintings”. The model strike a pose for photographers and painters. If they find a good pose, they say “Hold that pose”.


position /pəzíʃən/ : 姿勢、状況、位置

positionは「姿勢」を意味し、語源はponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はpose, postureです。例文を見てみましょう。長時間同じ姿勢でいると筋肉痛になるので、1時間おきに姿勢を変えましょう。デスクワークでは、長時間座った姿勢で仕事をします。落ち着いた姿勢をとると、体をリラックスできます。

positionの二つ目の意味は「状況」で、同義語はstate, situation, condition, circumstancesです。スキャンダルを起こすと有名人はまずい立場に置かれます。ビジネスでは顧客の立場に立つことが大事です。少子化の影響により、大学はとても厳しい状況にあります。

positionの三つ目の意味は「位置」で、同義語はplace, locationです。スマホのGPSで現在の自分の位置を特定できます。昔の人は太陽の位置で時間を知ることができました。駅はたいてい町の中心地にあります。駅の近くはビジネスを行う上で戦略的な位置です。

Position means “posture”, the origin is derived from ponere (putting), its synonyms are pose and posture. Let’s see an example sentence. If you are in the same position for a long time, it will cause muscle pain, so let’s change your position every hour. In desk work, we will work in a sitting position for a long time. We can relax our body by taking a comfortable position.

The second meaning of position is “situation”, its synonyms are state, situation, condition and circumstances. Celebrities are put in a bad position when a scandal happens. For business, it is important to stand in a position of customers. Due to the declining birthrate, universities are in a very difficult position.

The third meaning of position is “place”, its synonym is place and location. You can identify your current position with the GPS of the smartphone. An old man was able to know the time at the sun’s position. The station is usually in the center position of the town. Near the station is a strategic position in doing business.


positive /pάzəṭɪv/ : 楽観的な

positiveは「楽観的な」を意味し、語源はponere(置く)に由来します。同義語はoptimistic, hopefulで、対義語はnegative, passive, pessimisticです。例文を見てみましょう。勤勉な人間は自分の仕事に積極的に取り組みます。前向きに考えることは、幸福な人生を送る上でもっとも大切なことです。早寝早起きや定期的な運動など、私たちは健康のために積極的な手を打つべきです。

positiveの二つ目の意味は「有益な」で、同義語はgood, useful, beneficial, helpfulです。例えば、タンパク質を多く取ることは体に良い影響を与えます。海外留学は学生にとって良い経験になります。ボランティアは常に他人のためになることをしています。人徳のある教師は子供の手本になります。

Positive means “think about what is good in a situation”, and the etymology comes from ponere (putting on). Its synonyms are optimistic and hopeful, and its antonyms are negative, passive and pessimistic. Let’s see an example sentence. Diligent people are positive about their own work. Positive thinking is the most important thing in bringing a happy life. We need to take a positive approach for health such as keeping early hours and regular exercise.

The second meaning of positive is “useful” and the synonyms are good, useful, beneficial and helpful. For example, taking a lot of protein has a positive effect on the body. Studying abroad is a positive experience for the students. Volunteers are always doing things positive for others. A teacher with virtue becomes a positive model for children.


post /pəʊst/ : 職、郵便

postは「職場での地位」を意味し、語源はponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はjob, work, occupation, positionです。postは特に組織内の責任の重い仕事を指します。例文を見てみましょう。教えることが得意な人は教職に応募します。知名度のある人には様々な仕事のオファーが来ます。新しい職につくと、最初のうちは覚えることがたくさんあります。管理職は給料が高いですが、それだけ責任も重いです。成果の出せない人は管理職を辞職しなくてはなりません。

Post means “position in the workplace”, the origin is derived from ponere (putting), and its synonyms are job, work, occupation and position. Post refers in particular to the responsible work within the organization. Let’s see an example sentence. People who are good at teaching apply for teaching posts. Well-known people are offered various posts. When you get to a new post, there are many things to remember at first. The managerial post is high salary, but the responsibility is also heavy. People who can not produce results must resign manager post.


postpone /poʊs(t)póʊn/ : 延期する

postponeは「延期する」を意味し、語源はpost(後)とponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はput off, delay, deferです。例文を見てみましょう。雨が降ると、試合は延期されます。旅行先でテロが発生すると、旅行者は出発を延期します。手数料を支払うことで、利用者はクレジットカードの支払日を延期できます。計画性のない会社はたびたび納期の延長をします。延命治療により患者の死を先延ばしにできますが、医療費と患者の苦痛は増大します。発売前の商品に不具合が見つかると、発売日が延期されます。

Postpone means “to change the date of event later”, the etymology comes from post (back) and ponere (put), its synonyms are put off, delay and defer. Let’s see an example sentence. When it rains, the game will be postponed. If terrorism occurs at the destination, travelers will postpone their departure. By paying the charge, the user can postpone the payment date of the credit card. Companies without planning will often postpone the delivery date. Long-life treatment can postpone the death of patients, but it increase medical expenses and patient’s pain. If a defect is found in the product before release, the release date will be postponed.


語源post (後ろ)の英単語の意味まとめ


posture /pάstʃɚ/ : 姿勢


Posture means “position of your body”, the etymology comes from ponere (putting), and the synonym is position. Let’s see an example sentence. Bad posture causes muscle pain. Line workers work in a standing posture and clerks work in a sitting posture. Parents with severe discipline always correct their children’s posture. We can have a comfortable posture on the sofa. By riding the balance ball, you can maintain the correct posture.


propose /prəpˈəʊz/ : 提案する

proposeは「提案する」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とposer(置く)に由来します。同義語はsuggest, put forwardで、名詞形はproposalです。例文を見てみましょう。優秀な労働者が転職を考えているとき、会社はその人に昇級を提案します。仕事のできる人は上司に新しい企画をたくさん提案します。保険代理店は利用者に適した保険を提案し、銀行は利用者に融資を提案します。コンサルタントの仕事は膨大なデータから最適な解決策を提案することです。国会議員の仕事は法案を提出することです。

Propose means “to suggest a plan”, and the etymology comes from pro (previous) and poser (put). Synonyms are suggest and put forward, and its noun form is proposal. Let’s see an example sentence. When an excellent worker is thinking about changing jobs, the company proposes a promotion to that person. Capable person proposes a lot of new projects to their bosses. The insurance agent proposes suitable insurance for the user, and the bank proposes the loan to the user. Consultant’s work is to propose an optimal solution from enormous data. The work of a Diet member is to propose a bill.


purpose /pˈɚːpəs/ : 目的

purposeは「目的」を意味し、語源はpor(前)とposer(置く)に由来し、同義語はaim, end, object, objective, goalです。例文を見てみましょう。あなたが読んでいるこのサイトの目的は、語源の面白さを多くの人に伝えることです。人が仕事をする目的は、お金ややりがい、異性との出会い、時間つぶしなど様々です。アフィリエイトサイトを作る目的は、効率よくお金を稼ぐことです。私たちは生きる目的を自力で探さないといけません。日本では医療目的でも大麻を使うことが禁じられています。監視カメラを設置する主な目的は、犯罪を抑止することです。政治的な目的で近づいてくる人には用心しましょう。

Purpose means “what it is intended to achieve”, the origin is derived from por (previous) and poser (to put), its synonyms are aim, end, object, objective and goal. Let’s see an example sentence. The purpose of this site you are reading is to tell the fun of the etymology to many people. People work for various purposes, such as money, rewarding, encountering other sexes, time crushing and so on. The purpose of making an affiliate site is to earn money efficiently. We have to search for the purpose of life by ourselves. In Japan it is forbidden to use hemp for medical purposes. The main purpose of installing surveillance cameras is to deter crime. Let’s beware of those approaching to us for political purposes.


repository /rɪpάzət`ɔːri/ : 貯蔵庫

repositoryは「貯蔵庫」を意味し、語源はre(後ろ)とponere(置く)に由来し、同義語はstore, storehouse, warehouse, storageです。例文を見てみましょう。熟成したワインはワイン貯蔵庫で何十年も保管されています。肉や魚などの生モノは低温貯蔵庫に保管しましょう。repositoryは特にIT用語として使われ、様々なデータを格納する場所を意味します。リポジトリをネット上に置くことで、開発者たちが開発の状況を容易に共有できるようになります。

Repository stands for “a container to store something”, the etymology is derived from re (back) and ponere (put), its synonyms are store, storehouse, warehouse and storage. Let’s see an example sentence. Mature wines are kept in wine repository for decades. Raw foods such as meat and fish should be kept in low temperature repository. Repository is used as an IT term in particular, it means a place to store various data. By placing the repository on the Internet, developers can easily share the development situation.


suppose /səpˈɚʊz/ : 思う

supposeは「思う」を意味し、語源はsub(下から)とponere(置く)に由来し、原義はラテン語のsuppornere(下に置く)です。同義語はexpect, guessです。例文を見てみましょう。私たちは学校で法律をあまり学びませんが、法律を守ることになっています。仕事でやるべきことがないときは、他の従業員に「私は何をすればいいですか」と尋ねましょう。

Suppose means “to think”, the etymology comes from sub (from below) and ponere (put on), the original meaning is the Latin suppornere (put down). Synonyms are expect and guess. Let’s see an example sentence. We do not learn much about laws at school, but we are supposed to observe the law. When there is nothing to do at work, ask other employees “What am I supposed to do?”


語源sub (下)の英単語の意味まとめ
