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語源ced, cedere (行く)の英単語の意味まとめ



accede /æksíːd/ : 要求に応える、跡を継ぐ


原義はラテン語のaccedere(近づく)です。同義語はagree, assent, consent, approveです。

Accede means to “agree to a demand or proposal”. The etymology comes from ad (direction) and cedere (move). The original meaning is Latine accedere (approach). The synonyms are agree, assent, consent and approve. Accede is a phrasal verb and used with the preposition “to”. Let’s see example sentences of accede.

Office workers have to accede to the order of their boss. Illustrators sometimes accede to their fan’s request to draw some illustration. If terrorists take the hostage, police are forced to accede to their demands.


The second meaning of accede is “to succeed a position”. The synonym is succeed. If a king pass away, his first prince will accede to the throne.


accessory /æksés(ə)ri/ : 付属品、服飾品、従犯の


原義はラテン語のaccidere(近づく)です。同義語はattachment, appurtenances, accompanying itemsです。

Accessory means “things accompanied”. The etymology comes from ad (direction) and cedere (move). The original meaning is accidere (to approach). The synonym is attachment, appurtenances, accompanying items. Let’s see example sentences of accessory.

Car dealership persuade their customers into buying car accessories like a car navigation system or an ETC reader with a car, because car accessories seems cheaper than expensive cars. Computer accessories such as a USB cable or a DVD drive expand the function of computers.



The second meaning of accessory is “something to wear or carry to make you attractive”. The English “accessory” has more meanings than the Japanese “accessory”. It includes a bag, belt and jewelry. Department stores display a lot of fashion accessories. A considerate boyfriend give his girlfriend her favorite accessories in her birthday. Husband, who want to maintain their love, should give cheap accessories to his wife frequently.

accessoryの三つ目の意味は「共犯者」で、法律用語として使われます。同義語はaccomplice, partner in crimeです。

The third meaning of accessory is “someone who helps a criminal to commit a crime”. The synonyms are accomplice, partner in crime. If you harbor a murderer, you will be arrested as an accessory of murder.


cease /síːs/ : 止める

ceaseは「止める」を意味し、語源はcedere(立ち去る)に由来します。同義語はstop, quit, haltです。


Cease means “to stop”. The etymology comes from cedere (go away). The synonyms are stop, quit and halt. Cease is a formal word, and people usually say “stop” in everyday English. Let’s see example sentences of cease.

Rain showers usually cease suddenly. In depression, factories cease production. Companies, which neglect customer’s demand, will cease to exist in the near future.

cease and desistは法律用語で「違反行為を止めること」を意味します。

Cease and desist means “to stop illegal activity” in legal terms. Desist means “never to do illegal act in the future”. A copyright owner send a cease and desist letter to individuals or companies which make a profit by his contents illegally. When sent by public authority, it is called “cease and desist order”.

ceasefireは「停戦」を意味し、同義語はarmistice, truceです。

Ceasefire means “the stop of war”, and its synonyms are armistice and truce. Let’s show you examples of ceasefire. In World War 1, Germany and the Allied Powers concluded ceasefire. In 1953, ceasefire was concluded to end the Korean War, but not yet conclude the peace treaty. In this connection, “cease fire!” is the order to stop shooting.


cede /síːd/ : 割譲する


Cede means “to give an area of land or a right to a country”. The etymology comes from cedere (give away). Its noun form is cession. Let’s see example sentences of cede.

This is the study of history. Japan won the Sino-Japanese War, and the Quin dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan. Next is the American history. The American white people forced American Indian to cede their land by using violence.


concede /kənsíːd/ : 認める

concedeは「嫌々ながら認める」を意味し、語源はcom(強調)とcedere(譲る)に由来します。原義はラテン語のconcedere(諦める)です。同義語はadmit, acknowledgeです。

Concede means “to admit unwillingly”. The etymology comes from com (emphasis) and cedere (give away). The original meaning is Latin concedere (give up). The synonyms are admit and acknowledge. Let’s see example sentences of concede.

Students, who get a bad score on a test, concede that they did not study enough. Motivated people concede their mistake and make use of it for next time. A competent investor concede their loss and make a stop-loss order. We should concede defeat in a game that we cannot win. Useless resistance is shameful.


concession /kənséʃən/ : 譲歩


Concession means “something you give to end an argument”. The etymology comes from com (emphasis) and cedere (give away). Concession is the noun form of concede. The synonym is compromise.

Concession is often used in negotiation. Since the Sept 11 attack, America has made no concession to terrorists. A capable diplomat can win a large concession from an opponent country. To sell your item in Mercari quickly, you should make concession on a price reduction.


exceed /eksíːd/ : 超える


原義はラテン語のexcedere(離れる)です。同義語はbe overとbe more thanです。

Exceed means “to be more than the limit”. The etymology comes from ex (out) and cedere (go). The original meaning is excedere (go away) in Latin. The synonyms are “be over” and “be more than”. Let’s see example sentences of exceed.

Legal working hour in Japan is 8 hour a day. If workers works exceeding the legal working hour, the company have to submit a 36 Agreement and pay overtime money for them. The cruelty of unpaid overtime exceeds the expectations of foreigner workers.

We are fined for exceeding the speed limit. An economical person living alone, make sure that the monthly food expenses do not exceed 30,000 yen. When the annual number of the death exceeds the number of births, the population of a country will start to decline. When making a contract with MVNO, you should use your smartphone so that the traffic does not exceed the limit.


excess /eksés/ : 余分



Excess means “something more then needed”. The etymology comes from ex (out) and cedere (go). The original meaning is excedere (go away) in Latin. Its adjective form is excessive, and its antonym is moderate. Let’s see example sentences of excess.

Eating to excess is the cause of obesity. When the room has an excess of things, let’s throw away unnecessary things, but discarding to excess is not good. Smoking to excess will hurt your lung. We should not buy excess of foods. Media has the role of curbing the excess of public authority.


necessary /nésəsèri/ : 必要な


原義はラテン語のnecessarius(避けられない)です。同義語はessential, needed, indispensableです。

Necessary means “needed”. The etymology comes from ne (not) and cedere (give away). The original meaning is necessarius (unavoidable) in Latin. The synonyms are essential, needed and indispensable. Let’s see example sentences of necessary.

Adequate sleep, moderate exercise and well-balanced diet are absolutely necessary to maintain your health. Unless being a famous person, a large amount of time and labor is necessary to make a profit by a blog. Alcohol and smoking may harm our body, but become an outlet for the stress; They are necessary evils. We cannot live without money. Earning enough amount of money is a necessary condition for happy life.


precede /prɪsíːd/ : 先に起きる


Precede means “to happen before something”. The etymology comes from prae (before) and cedere (go). The original meaning is Latin praecedere (go before). Let’s see example sentences of precede.

Our thought should precede our action. Getting food, clothing and shelter should precede other things. In English, the verb precede the object.


precedent /présədnt/ : 前例


Precedent means “a decision to support later ones”. The etymology comes from prae (before) and cedere (go). The original meaning is Latin praecedere (go before). Let’s see example sentences of precedent.

In conservative companies, the workers are apt to follow the precedents. Unconventional workers sometimes break the precedent, but when failed, it seen as a bad precedent. Efficient workers set a precedent for the future. When making a judgement in a court, a judge refer to legal precedents.


procedure /prəsíːdʒɚ/ : 正しいやり方


Procedure means “a correct way of doing something”. The etymology comes from proceed. The original meaning is French procedure (the way to proceed). Let’s see example sentences of procedure.

In Osaka city, the procedure for throwing away bulk trash is complicated. A clever freelance or self-employed person takes tax procedure in February or March when tax offices are busy. We need to take legal procedure to charge an assailant. Some business persons take a day off for renewal procedure of driver’s license. Industrial machines are designed not to operate without following correct procedure.


proceed /proʊsíːd/ : 進める


proceed withの形で使われることが多いです。また日常英語では同義語のgo aheadの方が使われます。

Proceed means “to continue to do something planned”. The etymology comes from pro (ahead) and cedere (go). People usually say “proceed with” in a usage. In everyday English, the synonym “go ahead” is more often used. Let’s see example sentences of proceed.

The role of a chairman in a meeting is to proceed with it smoothly. A talkative person is good at proceeding with negotiations. The job of a leader in a company is to proceed with the project. In an Internet shopping, we can proceed with purchase and payment procedures in several seconds. Good communications with colleagues proceed with the work.


process /prάses/ : 過程、加工処理する



Process means “a series of action to a particular result”. The etymology comes from proceed. The original meaning is Latin procedure (to go forward). Process put emphasis on the time length of actions, and so this word sometimes not translated into Japanese. Let’s see example sentences of process.

Becoming an accountant, attorney or doctor is a very long process. Men and women have a different thought process. In learning English, an output is a very important learning process. In a mystery novel, when there is no critical evidence, a private detective narrow down suspects by a process of elimination with their alibi. Social life can slow the aging process.


recede /rɪsíːd/ : 徐々に消える


原義はラテン語のrecedere(後ろに下がる)です。同義語はdie away, fade awayです。

Recede means “to disappear gradually”. The etymology comes from re (back) and cedere (go). The original meaning is Latin recedere (go back). The synonyms are die away and fade away. Let’s see example sentences of recede.

In a horror game, receding a footstep means to succeed in escape from an enemy. The siren recedes, as an ambulance pass by. A headache recedes by taking a headache medicine. Many middle-aged men suffer from their receding hairline.


recession /rɪséʃən/ : 景気後退


Recession means “slowdown of business activities”. The etymology comes from recedere (go back). Recession is mainly used in macroeconomics. Let’s see example sentences of recession.

A recession gets worse and becomes a depression. A depression worsen and becomes a crisis. A recession will cause less wages, increase in unemployment rate and decrease in GDP growth rate. Countries conduct two economic policy: fiscal policy and financial policy, trying to stop a recession.


succeed /səksíːd/ : 成功する、跡を継ぐ


原義はラテン語のsuccedere(後を追う)です。同義語はmanage, achieve, accomplish, make itです。

日常会話では同義語のmanage to doが使われ、succeed inは書き言葉で使われます。

Succeed means “to do something you want”. The etymology comes from sub (next) and cedere (go).

The original meaning is Latin succedere (to go after). The synonyms are manage, achieve, accomplish and make it. The synonym “manage to do” is often used in daily conversation, and “succeed in” is used in written English. Let’s see example sentences of succeed.

The person who succeed as a Youtuber, will get a large amount of advertise income, but most of them only succeed in making a small amount of money. Very few girls can succeed as an idol. The most efficient way to be rich is succeeding in business. Only people who have a moderate diet, succeed in losing their weight.

succeedの二つ目の意味は「地位を継承する」です。同義語はtake over, follow, inheritです。

The second meaning of succeed is “to be the next person of the position”. The synonyms are take over, follow and inherit.

An old king succeed his prince to the throne. If a father is succeed in business, his child will succeed to his father’s business. The descendant of loyal family usually succeed to the family tradition. If you quit your current job, succeed your successor to your job.


success /səksés/ : 成功



Success means “when you achieve something”. The etymology comes from sub (next) and cedere (to go). The original meaning is Latin successus (good result). The antonym is failure. Let’s see example sentences of success.

If a million people see your blog monthly, your blog business is a big success. People with high skill have success in finding a new job. Recent young workers weigh on vacation rather than success in life. Successful business persons write their success story. The success rate of launching business is not high. With the rise in the cigarette price, many smoker try to stop smoking, but without success.


successive /səksésɪv/ : 連続の

successiveは「連続の」を意味し、語源はsuccedere(後に来る)に由来します。同義語はcontinuous, continual, straightです。


Successive means “continuing”. The etymology comes from succedere (to come after). The synonyms are continuous, continual and straight. When you use numerals and ordinal numbers as modifier, they precede the word “successive”. Let’s see example sentences of successive.

Powerful sports teams will have 10 successive victories easily. Sweat company’s workers have been forced to work for 30 successive days. Of course, successive can be used without numerals and ordinal numbers. Successive Japanese government have fought against long-termed depression.
