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語源cept, ceive, capere (取る)の英単語の意味まとめ



accept /æksépt/ : 受け取る


Accept means “to take somehing”, and the etymology comes from ad (direction) and capere (grasp). Accept means to receive offers or gifts from other people comfortably. “To take” is more commonly used in daily conversation. The antonym of accept is refuse. Let’s see an example sentence of accept.

Freelance programmers accept the job through crowdsourcing. Some family restaurant gladly accept order by phone. If our acquaintance dies, we will say “Please accept my condolence” to his relatives. The champion will accept the newcomer’s challenge at any time.


capable /kéɪpəbl/ : 能力がある



Capable means “having enough ability to do something”, and the etymology comes from capere (grasping). The original meaning is Late Latin capabilis (able to grasp).

Its synonym “able” is followed by an infinitive, but “capable” is followed by the preposition “of” and gerund. Let’s see an example sentence of capable.

People with self-discipline are capable of living a regular life even if living alone. A highly sociable person is capable of working in the hospitality industry. Capable humans are capable of working in a high position. People good at personal computers are capable of earning income by making a site. In the United States, a lot of money is needed to receive treatment from a capable doctor. In a performance-based company, capable workers can earn high income.


capacity /kəpˈæsəṭi/ : 収容能力


Capacity means “the amount of space for containers or buildings” and the origin is derived from capere (grasping). The original idea is Mid-French capacite (able to grab). Capability is used to show how many objects and people can be contained in containers and buildings.

For example, the capacity of an ordinary milk carton is 1 liter. Tokyo Dome has a capacity for 55,000 people. Most of the hotels are filled to capacity in Obon holidays. The university’s lecture hall has a seating capacity for hundreds of people. In Japan, the train are filled beyond capacity on commuting time.


caption /kˈæpʃən/ : 写真の説明文、字幕


The caption means “explanation of photographs and illustrations”, and the origin is derived from capere (grasping). Captions are written under the picture used in magazines, newspapers and articles on the Internet so that readers can see the meaning of the pictures.

Caption is also used in videos. Captions are words to explain their contents in movies and television programs. However, subtitles is used in this sense, because caption has several meanings and it is confusing.


capture /kˈæptʃɚ/ : 捕まえる

captureは「捕まえる」を意味し、語源はcapere(捕まえる)に由来します。同義語はcatch, arrest, apprehendです。

Capture means “to catch”, and the etymology comes from capere (catch). Its synonyms are catch, arrest, apprehend. Capture means to catch a criminal and keep it in prison.

For example, the police job is to capture offenders. People who commit a crime in a law-governed country will be captured by the police. It is difficult to capture the criminal of fraud on the Internet.


conceive /kənsíːv/ : 想像する


Conceive means “to imagine”, and the etymology comes from com (emphasis) and capere (take). The original meaning is a Latin concipere (to become pregnant).

Conceive is a more formal expression than its synonym “think of”. Conceive often means “can not think of a specific situation.” Let’s see an example sentence of conceive.

In modern times we can not conceive a life without using the Internet. People with normal eating habits can not conceive the diet without carbohydrates. People with a sense of money can not conceive of using 100,000 yen a day in pachinko.


concept /kάnsept/ : 概念


原義はラテン語のconcipere(取り入れる)です。同義語はidea, conceptionです。

Concept means “general and abstract idea”, and the etymology comes from com (emphasis) and capere (take). The original meaning is the Latin concipere (incorporate).

Concept means generalized idea from individual case. Its synonyms are idea and conception. Let’s see an example sentence of concept.

The spread of the Internet has greatly changed the concept of working. There are also many people who are making money with hobby by blogs and videos. If you try to understand the concept of capitalism, starting your own business is the most effective.


deceive /dɪsíːv/ : 騙す



Deceive means “to trick”, and the etymology comes from de (leave) and capare (take). The original meaning is the Latin decipere (deceive). Its synonyms are trick and cheat.

Deceive is a formal word, in everyday English, people usually says trick rather than deceive. Let’s see an example sentence of deceive.

The bad guys pretending to be good people, deceiving people by smiling faces. The proverb says “Appearance can be deceiving.” The most efficient way to earn money is to deceive people who do not know the market price in buying expensive items.

A cunning affiliate deceives a beginner affiliate into buying high-price information product. Because elderly people are declining their ability to judge, they are easily deceived by a cheater. People who are unfamiliar with real estates are deceived by a real estate company into concluding a sublease contract.


except /eksépt/ : 除外して



Except is a preposition meaning “exclusion”, and the origin is derived from ex (outside) and capere (taking). The original meaning is Latin excipere (take out). Its synonym is but.

Except means to remove one from the same kind of things. Let’s see an example sentence of except.

Full-time workers work except on weekends. The city office is open Monday through Friday except holidays. Do not press the emergency stop button on the train except in an emergency.


intercept /ìnṭɚsépt/ : 止める



Intercept means “to stop going”, and the etymology comes from inter (inter) and capere (take).

The original idea is Latin intercipere (catch in passing). Let’s see example sentences of intercept.

The police intercept criminal communications to prevent large-scale crimes. An anti-ballistic missile is a missile designed to intercept ballistic missiles from enemy countries, and is deployed mainly in European countries and the United States. In basketball and soccer, it is important to intercept an opponent’s pass. Blackout curtains and blinds intercept sunshine.


occupy /άkjʊpὰɪ/ : 場所を使う

occupyは「場所を使う」を意味し、語源はob(上)とcapere(取る)に由来します。原義はラテン語のoccupare(所有する)です。同義語はstay, live, take upです。

Occupy means “to live in a place”, and the etymology comes from ob (upper) and capere (take). The original meaning is Latin occupare (possess). Its synonyms are stay and live. Occupy is a formal word, people use “take up” in everyday English. Let’s see example sentences of occupy.

Many single people occupy in a small room. Large beds and large sofas occupy (or take up) much space. For those who are not good at cleaning up, garbage occupies most of the room. Occupy is also used for time. In the case of full-time workers, work occupies one-third of the day. Sleep occupies one third of human’s time.


participate /pɑɚtísəpèɪt/ : 参加する


原義はラテン語のparticipare(分かち合う)です。同義語はtake part inとjoinです。

Participate means “to take part in events”, the etymology comes from partir (parting) and capere (taking). Original is a Latin participare (sharing). Its synonyms are take part in and join.

Participate is always followed by the preposition “in”. Also, participate is a formal word, in daily English people use “take part”. Let’s see example sentences of participate.

If you have nothing to do on holidays, let’s participate in clubs for adult. Active students participate in club activities. If you have confidence in the game’s arm, let’s participate in the game competition.


perceive /pɚsíːv/ : 知覚する


原義はラテン語のpercipere(完全に掴む)です。同義語はnotice, recognize, understandです。

Perceive means “to notice”, and the etymology comes from per (complete) and capere (grasp).

The original idea is Latin percipere (to grasp perfectly). Its synonyms are notice, recognize, understand. Let’s see example sentences of perceive.

People can perceive light with their eyes. Dogs can not perceive color. Animals can perceive dangers with instincts. A smart person can perceive irony.


perception /pɚsépʃən/ : 考え方、感じ方



Perception means “way of thinking”, and the etymology comes from per (complete) and capere (grasping). Its synonyms are understanding and recognition. Let’s see example sentences of perception.

The child’s perception of a world is different from that of an adult. If you study abroad, your perception of English will change. Establish strict rules on dismissal to improve workers’ treatment: this perception is wrong. Politicians should change the perception of the labor market.

The second meaning of perception is “sense”, and its synonyms are sensation and feeling. Humans have five senses: visual perception, auditory perception, olfactory perception, tactile perception, and taste perception. Dangerous drugs distort the human perception. Extra sensory perception (ESP) such as future prediction and clairvoyance is to perceive something without using the five senses.


receipt /rɪsíːt/ : 領収書


Receipt means “a piece of paper to prove your payment”, and the etymology comes from re (back) and capere (to take).

The original meaning is Latin recipere (to take back). Receipt means a piece of paper to prove that you paid money to buy products. Let’s see example sentences of receipt.

You should keep your receipt after purchase. You will need your receipt to bring back products you bought. If you needs a receipt to keep your household accounts, say to the clerk “Can I have a receipt, please?” Self-employed persons or owner of a company keep their receipt to deduct living expenses as business expenses.


receive /rɪsíːv/ : 受け取る


原義はラテン語のrecipere(取り戻す)です。同義語はget, take, acceptです。

Receive means “to get something”, the etymology comes from re (back) and capere (take). The doctrine is a Latin recipient (regain). Its synonyms are get, take and accept.

Receive is a formal word, in daily English people use “get” instead. Let’s see an example sentence of receive.

Most university students receive a bachelor’s degree at the time of graduation. Children of wealthy families can receive good quality education. Many fatherless families receive welfare benefits. It is thanks to the Japanese health insurance system that we can receive cheap treatment at hospital. If you join employment insurance, you will receive unemployment benefits when you are unemployed.


reception /rɪsépʃən/ : 歓迎、受付、歓迎会


Reception means “welcome”, and the etymology comes from re (behind) and capere (take). Its synonym is welcome. Let’s see example sentences of reception.

Parents give a warm reception to their children when they return home. But in the case of a disowned child, they get a cold reception from their parents. Death Note is a manga work that got a mixed reception. “How to win friends and influence people” written by Dale Carnegie is a self-enlightenment book of great reputation from American masses.

receptionの二つ目の意味は「ホテルの受付」で、reception desk, front desk, lobbyとも呼ばれます。

The second meaning of reception is “the desk in a hotel”, also called reception desk, front desk or lobby. When we arrive at the hotel during our trip, we will check in at reception. When leaving the hotel, we will leave the key of our room at the reception desk. When we leave the hotel, let’s check out at reception.

receptionの三つ目の意味は「歓迎会」で、同義語はparty, celebrationです。

The third meaning of reception is “welcome party”. Its synonyms are party and celebration. In Japan in the bubble economy, many couples opened a grand wedding reception. But now they have not enough money and connections with people, so the number of couples not doing wedding receptions is increasing. Because many young people do not want to pay several tens of thousands of yen as wedding money, they will not participate in wedding reception.


The fourth meaning of reception is “the act of receiving signals”. In the tunnel, reception of radio waves becomes bad. Mobile phones contracted with MVNO get poor reception in lunchtime. This is because many people kill time by using mobile phone on lunch break.


recipe /résəpìː/ : 調理法



Recipe means “instructions of cooking”. The etymology comes from recipere (to take). Recipe originally means “medical prescription” in Middle French. Its synonym is cookery, used in British English. Let’s see example sentences of recipe.

The bookstore’s cooking section displays many recipe books. However, recently more people use Cookpad as a recipe. Cookpad has a large amount of recipes. We can find our favorite recipes by using Cookpad.


susceptible /səséptəbl/ : 影響を受けやすい


原義はラテン語のsuscipere(受け取る)です。同義語はsubject toです。

Susceptible means “to be easily affected”. The etymology comes from sub (under) and capere (take). The original meaning is Latin suscipere (receive). The synonym is subject to. Let’s see example sentences of susceptible.

Old people are susceptible to an illness, because their immune system declined. Young people under peer pressure are susceptible to a fashion. A vain person is susceptible to flattery. Asian people are apt to be susceptible to alcohol.
