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語源para (隣、防ぐ)の英単語の意味まとめ



parachute /pˈærəʃùːt/ : パラシュート



Parachute is an equipment to make fall speed slower by opening like an umbrella. The reason why a parachute has some holes is to make air current stable and slow down safely. Only trained persons can use a parachute, and commercial aircrafts do not provide it.


paradigm /pˈærədὰɪm/ : パラダイム



Roughly speaking, paradigm means the idea accepted widely in the particular age. When religions had an ultimate authority, the Ptolemaic theory was the paradigm at the age, however, at present we believe in Copernican theory. The phenomenon that widely-accepted perspectives changes dramatically is called paradigm shift. The other examples of paradigm shifts are Newton’s law of universal gravitation, Einstein’s theory of relativity and Darwin’s theory of revolution.


paradox /pˈærədὰks/ : 矛盾、逆説



Generally speaking, paradox means unaccepted conclusion. Paradox has roughly two meanings and the first is being illogical. If there are a spear that can pierce any shield and a shield that can defend against any spear, the situation is paradox. The second meaning of paradox is being seemingly illogical but actually logical. The proverb “haste makes waste” is a typical paradox, but can be applied to many situations.


paragraph /pˈærəgr`æf/ : 段落



Paragraph is a group of sentences for easy reading. We indent the first sentence of paragraph. Basically, we write relative sentences in a paragraph, and not include irrelevant sentences there. When you change the topic or opinion, start with a new paragraph.


語源graph (書く)の英単語の意味まとめ


paralegal /pɛ̀rəlíɡəl/ : パラリーガル



Paralegal is someone whose job is to assist layer’s work. They work in a law office and do legal work under the control of an attorney. In the Japanese Lawyer act, someone who is not a lawyer cannot do layer’s job, and what paralegal can do is limited. However, paralegals can do most of attorney’s job under the supervision of their lawyer, and they are expected as layer’s assistants.


語源lega, legi (法)の英単語の意味まとめ


parallel /pˈærəlèl/ : 平行の



Being parallel means that two lines does not across each other forever. In parallel lines, corresponding angles and alternate angles become equal each other. In mathematics, we draw parallel lines with a set square.


paralysis /pərˈæləsɪs/ : 麻痺・不随



Paralysis is the loss of ability to move all or part of your body. When you get general paralysis in a traffic accident, you cannot move most part of your body. If you have facial paralysis, you cannot make an expression in your face. All paralysis are not diseases. Some people get sleep paralysis in their sleep.


paramedic /p`ærəmédɪk/ : 救急救命士



Paramedic is someone whose job is to do medical practice without nurse’s or doctor’s license. Japanese paramedics get in ambulances and do critical cure until patients are carried to hospitals. Paramedic’s job is very important, as patients with serious injury may be dead before being taken to hospitals.


parameter /pərˈæməṭɚ/ : パラメーター



Parameter is the information to control the operation of computer program and used to adjust peripheral part of the system instead of the core part. For example, the way of calculating in a calculator is already fixed, but we can select the number to calculate. The entered number is a parameter.  The merit of parameter is that you can adjust the system according to its use.


語源me, meter, metry (測る)の英単語の意味まとめ


paramilitary /ˌpɛrəˈmɪlɪˌtɛri/ : 準軍事的な



Paramilitary is used to refer to the private military organization. If countries do not have enough military forces to protect their citizens, they have to form a paramilitary. If countries do not make crackdown against having weapons, mafia or cult may form paramilitary organizations. In Japan, individuals are strictly prohibited from owning their weapons, and there is no chance that a paramilitary is founded.


paranoia /p`ærənˈɔɪə/ : 偏執症



Paranoia is the mental disease where you get under the delusion that you are blamed because of the anxiety or fear. The patient is called paranoid. The symptom of paranoia is megalomania, persecution complex and egomania. They do not have negative effect on daily life so much, not more serious than schizophrenia.


paraphrase /pˈærəfrèɪz/ : 言い換え



Paraphrase is used to put difficult words into easy phrases. A good translator can paraphrase difficult English passages in simple Japanese. An excellent interpreter can paraphrase native speedy English in Japanese simultaneously. A superior teacher can paraphrase difficult concept in simple story for his student.


parasite /pˈærəsὰɪt/ : 寄生生物



A parasite is an animal that attach to other animals and suck up their nutrients. A leucochloridium is a parasite that lives on snail’s sense of touch. Their tactile organs are colorful, as it helps birds, their hosts to eat them. A rafflesia, known as the biggest flower, is also a parasite plant. This flower emit a bad smell to lure flies into themselves and carry pollen with them. A cymothoid is a parasite that lives in a fish’s mouth. This parasites suck fish blood from their tongue and live with other cymothoids and feed their children.


parasol /pˈærəs`ɔːl/ : 日傘



A parasol is a useful stuff to protect us from intense sunlight, ultraviolet lays and heat stroke. Women put up their parasol in midsummer, as the ultraviolet light may cause blotches and freckles. Recently, some men have put up their parasols as cool-biz.


語源sol (太陽)の英単語の意味まとめ
