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語源quadr (四)の英単語の意味まとめ



quadrangle /kwάdr`æŋgl/ : 四角形

quadrangleは「四角形」を意味し、語源はquattuor(4)とangulus(角度)に由来します。rectangle(長方形)とtriangle(三角形)も、quadrangleと同じ語源を持ちます。同義語はsquare, quadrilateral, tetragonです。例文を見てみましょう。四角形は4つの頂点と4本の辺を持ちます。四角形の内角の和は360度です。長方形は4つの内角がすべて等しい四角形で、正方形は4つの内角と辺の長さがすべて等しい四角形です。

Quadrangle means “a plane figure with four straight lines and four angles”, and the etymology comes from quattuor (4) and angulus (angle). Rectangle and triangle also have the same etymology as quadrangle. Synonyms are square, quadrilateral, tetragon. Let’s see an example sentence. A quadrangle has four vertices and four sides. The sum of the interior angles of the quadrangle is 360 degrees. A rectangle is a quadrangle where all four interior angles are equal and a square is a quadrangle with all four interior angles and side lengths equal.


quadrant /kwάdrənt/ : 象限


Quadrant means “a divided part of two-dimension”, the etymology comes from quattuor (4), and the synonym is orthant. Quadrants are terms used in mathematical figures and coordinate systems. For example, there are four quadrants on a plane, which are called clockwise, first quadrant, second quadrant, third quadrant, and fourth quadrant.


quadratic /kwɑdrˈæṭɪk/ : 二次の


Quadratic means “secondary”, the etymology comes from quattuor (4), and the original meaning is Latin quadrare (to make square). Let’s see an example sentence. Junior high school students learn quadratic equations and quadratic functions in mathematics lessons. A quadratic function graph draws a parabola. Many junior high school students have difficulty in learning the formula of the solution to the quadratic equation.


quadrilateral /kwὰdrəlˈæṭərəl/ : 四角形


Quadrilateral means “rectangle”, the etymology comes from quadri (4) and latus (side), and the synonym is quadrangle. Let’s see an example sentence. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of opposite sides parallel. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which two pairs of opposite sides are parallel. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides equal in length.


語源later (幅)の英単語の意味まとめ


quadruped /kwάdrəpèd/ 四足動物



quadruple /kwɑdrúːpl/ : 四倍にする


Quadruple means “to increase four times”, and the etymology comes from quadri (4) and plus (fold). Quadruple can be used as a verb, noun, adjective like triple or double. Let’s see an example sentence. If you eat only eating out every day, food expenses will quadruple. An excellent programmer who worked for a sweatshop changed jobs to a foreign-affiliated company and quadrupled his salary. The venture company has quadrupled its profits.


語源pli, ply, plicare (曲げる)の英単語の意味まとめ


quadruplets /kwɑdrˈʌplət/ : 四つ子


Quadruplets means “four children born from the same mother at the same time”, the etymology comes from English quadruple (4 times), synonym is quads. Let’s see an example sentence. The probability of quadruplets being born is much lower than that of twin and triplets. Multiple pregnancy of quadruplets is a heavy burden on their mother.


語源pli, ply, plicare (曲げる)の英単語の意味まとめ


quart /kwˈɔɚt/ : クォート(液体の単位)


Quart means “the measurement unit for liquid”, the etymology comes from quattuor (4), the original origin comes from Latin quartus (one quarter). Abbreviated form of quart is qt. Let’s see an example sentence. Quart is a unit of volume used in the yard-pound method. Quart is one quarter of a gallon. One quart is equivalent to approximately 1 liter. Quart and gallons are units that are often used in the United States.


quarter /kwˈɔɚṭɚ/ : 4分の1


Quarter means “one fourth”, the etymology comes from quattuor (4), and the synonym is fourth. Let’s see an example sentence. Mother cuts onions into quarters when making curry. Internet technology has improved greatly in this quarter century. A quarter mile is equivalent to 400 meters. Reading academic books by one quarter of a page is difficult. In America the 25 cent coin is called quarter.
