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語源ante, anti (昔、前方)の英単語の意味まとめ



ancestor /ˈænsestɚ/:先祖



Ancestor means “a old family in a long time ago”, and the etymology comes from ante (front) and cedere (to go). The original meaning in antecedere (precede) in Latin. The antonym is descendant.

Let’s show you example sentences. A famous family regularly visit ancestor’s grave. Ancestor of person with uncommon name may be a samurai.


antebellum /`ænṭɪbéləm/:南北戦争以前



Antebellum means “before the American Civil War”, and the etymology comes from ante (front) and bellum (war).

American Civil War is the war between the North America and the South America. The main cause was conflicts over antebellum slavery. The North depended on casual labor and think the slavery as evil. On the other hand, the South relied on the slavery for plantation labor. This conflict was inevitable.


antecedent /`ænṭəsíːdənt/:先行する・先行詞



Antecedent means “happening earlier”, and the etymology comes from ante (before) and cedere (to go). The original meaning is antecedere (precede) in Latin. Antecedent means event happening earlier, but we more often use the synonym precedent.


antenatal /æ̀ntinéitl/:出産前



Antenatal means “before childbirth”, and the etymology comes from ante (previous) and natal (childbirth). The synonym is prenatal, and the antonym is postnatal.

Antenatal is used in British English and prenatal is used in American English. Pregnant women go to the antenatal clinic and let them undergo antenatal care on a regular basis.


anterior /æntí(ə)riɚ/:前方



Anterior means “the front part of one’s organ or body”, and the etymology comes from ante (front) and ior (comparative suffix). The synonym is front and the antonym is posterior.

We use anterior in anatomy. Human anterior eye segment has cornea, iris, pupil and lens.


anticipate /æntísəpèɪt/:予期する



Anticipate means “to expect that something will happen”, and the etymology comes from anti (before) and capere (to take). The original meaning is anticipare (to take earlier) in Latin. The synonym is expect and predict. Let’s show you example sentences.

Capable sales rep can anticipate what their customers need. Competent manager anticipate the future and start the business. As it is anticipated that one third of Japanese will be old in 2035, we should anticipate their needs. Since we are not the God, we cannot exactly anticipate problems in the future. Of course, we cannot anticipate tomorrow’s stock price.


antique /æntíːk/:骨董品



Antique means “old and valuable things”, and the etymology comes from anti (before) and okw (appearance). The original meaning is antiquus (ancient) in Latin.

Antique is old and valuable tools. In American definition, antique was made over 100 years ago, junk was made less than 100 years ago, and other worthless things are rubbish.

It is very difficult to trade antiques and make a profit, because antiques have no fixed price, market price changes radically, and they have to detect replicas.
