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語源anthrop (人間)の英単語の意味まとめ



anthropoid /ˈænθrəp`ɔɪd/:類人猿



Anthropoid means “an ape”, and the etymology comes from anthropo (human) and oid (figure). Synonym is ape. Let’s see an example sentence.

Anthropoids are large and medium-sized primates whose appearance resembles humans. Anthropoids have sophisticated intelligence and are engaged in social life as a group. Gibbons are classified as small anthropoids.

Orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and humans are classified as large anthropoids.


anthropology /`ænθrəpάlədʒi/:人類学



Anthropology means “the study of human”, and the etymology comes from anthropo (human) and logy (learning). Let’s see an example sentence.

Anthropology is the study of mankind from all perspectives. Natural anthropology studies the living environment and social structure of human beings and primates from fossils, and it is closely related to archeology.

Cultural anthropology studies the specific way of life of human beings, and is related to folklore studies. Research subjects of cultural anthropology range from language, marriage, religion, myths and so on.


lycanthrope /laɪˈkænθroʊp/:人狼



Lycanthrope means “a wolf like a human in the shape”, and the origin is derived from lycos (wolf) and anthropo (human). Synonym is werewolf. Let’s see an example sentence.

Lycanthrope appears in European tradition. “Are you a werewolf?” is a famous party game with the theme of a lycanthrope.


misanthropy /mɪsˈænθrəpi/ :人間不信

misanthropyは「人間不信」を意味し、語源はmisein(嫌う)とanthropos(人間)に由来します。同義語はdistrust of people, trust issuesです。


Misanthropy means “distrust of human”, and the origin is derived from misein (dislike) and anthropos (human). Synonyms are distrust of people, trust issues. Let’s see an example sentence.

If you fall into misanthropy, it become difficult to lead a daily life. To treat misanthropy, let’s see a psychiatrist. Japanese famous works about misanthropy are “Run, Melos, Run” and “No Longer Human”. Both works are written by Osamu Dazai.


philanthropy /fɪlˈænθrəpi/ :慈善活動

philanthropyは「慈善活動」を意味し、語源はphil(愛)とanthropos(人間)に由来します。同義語はcharitable activity, charity workです。


Philanthropy means “charitable activity”, and the etymology comes from phil (love) and anthropos (human). Synonyms are charitable activity, charity work. Let’s see example sentences.

Philanthropy is an altruistic activity aimed at people’s well-being and health. The person who performs philanthropy is called philanthropist.  Philanthropy in Japan generally refers to public service activities by companies.

There are various philanthropy methods, such as supporting people with disease and disability, giving a place to work for the elderly, educating children and so on.

The most famous philanthropist is Michael Jackson and his founded Heal The World Foundation saves the lives of many intractable patients. Besides Lady Gaga, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett etc are famous philanthropists.

However, the amount of money is not relevant to philanthropy. By now providing useful information through the Internet, anyone can become a philanthropist.
