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語源ambi, amphi (両方、周囲)の英単語の意味まとめ



ambidextrous /ˌambɪˈdɛkstrəs/ : 両利き


Ambidextrous means “double-handed”, and the etymology comes from ambi (both) and dexter (right handed). Synonym is both-handed.

A ambidextrous person can take a note with the left hand while typing with the right hand. Since the right-handed population is larger than the left-handed population, facilities and tools are often made for right-handed use. Therefore, some left-handed people may correct and become ambidextrous.

They use a dominant hand for each use, with one movement with the left hand, the other movement with the right hand. This division of handedness is cross dominance.


ambient /ˈæmbiənt/ : 取り巻く


Ambient means “surrounding”, and the etymology comes from ambi (ambient) and ire (go). The original idea is Latin ambire (to go around).

Ambient is used to emphasize the surrounding parts of something. For example, a thermometer is used to measure ambient temperature. Ambient (or available) light is a term used in photography and movie shooting and means a light source except ones supplied by the photographer, such as sunlight, moonlight, room light etc.

Ambient is also used in the field of music. Ambient (or environmental) music is quiet and gentle music aimed at blending into the environment. Since it does not disturb the listener’s consciousness, listen to ambient music when you want to concentrate on study and work. Ambient is also used in advertising world. Ambient advertisement is an advertisement that blends into what you often use in everyday life, such as benches, fishing leaves, sidewalks.


ambiguous /æmbígjuəs/ : 曖昧な

ambiguousは「曖昧」を意味し、語源はambi(周辺)とagere(動く)に由来します。原義はラテン語のambigere(論争する)です。同義語はunclear, obscure, vague, uncertainです。

Ambiguous means “unclear to understand”, and the etymology comes from ambi (ambient) and agere (moving). The original meaning is Latin ambigere (to argue). Synonyms are unclear, obscure, vague, uncertain. Ambiguous is used for expressions that can take two or more meanings. Let’s see an example sentence of ambiguous.

If the position of the employee is ambiguous, it becomes difficult to allocate business. Politicians make ambiguous attitudes by using ambiguous expressions frequently so as not to make enemies. If the explanation of work is ambiguous, the employee will not know how to do the work.

You should not make ambiguous answers to the proposal. We can only reply ambiguously to ambiguous questions like “What are you going to do?” Ambiguous sentences are difficult for the reader to read.


ambit /ˈæmbɪt/ : 範囲

ambitの意味は「権力・影響の範囲」で、語源はambi(周り)とire(行く)に由来します。原義はラテン語のambitus(周囲)です。同義語はrange, scope, reach, sphereです。

The meaning of ambit is “scope of power and influence”, and the origin is derived from ambi (surrounding) and ire (going). The original idea is Latin ambitus (ambient). Synonyms are range, scope, reach, sphere.

Let’s see example sentence of ambit. The ambit of the managerial job is wide, but its wages are high.


ambition /æmbíʃən/ : 熱望


Ambition means “strong desire to do something”, and the etymology comes from ambi (surrounding) and ire (go). The original meaning is Latin ambitionem (walking around), which means that the candidate was walking around to gather votes. Synonym is aspiration.

Ambition means a strong goal that you want to achieve even if you have a hard time. Let’s see example sentences of ambition.

For example, the politicians’ ambition is to develop their own country and to enrich people. Young people have the ambition to be rich. Ambitious researchers have the ambition to make a big discovery that leaves names in history. It will take several years to achieve (or fulfill, realize) the ambition to succeed in net business.


ambivalent /æmbívələnt/ : ためらう状態



Ambivalent means “uncertain whether you like or not”, and the etymology comes from ambi (both) and valere (strong).

Ambivalent’s original meaning, ambivalence is coined word by Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen broiler, from equivalence. Ambivalent means that you are wondering what to do or should not do. The synonym is hesitant.

For example, when society develops and children’s educational expenses increase, the couple are ambivalent about having their children. In Japan, the maintenance cost of the car is very high, so even people like cars are ambivalent on the purchase of a car. Human have a complex emotions and sometimes have ambivalent emotions such as love and hate for the same person.


amphibian /æmfíbiən/ : 両生類


Amphibian means “animals living on land or in water”, and the etymology comes from amphi (both) and bios (life). The original meaning is Greek amphibia (to live in two ways).

An amphibian is an animal living in the water in the larva and living on land when becoming adult. There are only three types of existing amphibians, frogs, salamanders, and caecilian. The term “amphibian” means not to be able to live both on water and on land, but means that both environments are necessary for survival.

Because amphibians are sensitive to dryness and are delicate creatures, their numbers are noticeably reduced without being able to adapt to the changing environment.


amputate /ˈæmpjʊtèɪt/ 切断する

