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語源mit, mittere, miss, mise (送る)の英単語の意味まとめ



admit /ədmít/ : 認める

admitは「認める」を意味し、語源はad(方向)とmittere(送る)に由来し、原義はadmittere(侵入を認める)です。同義語はacknowledge, accept, confessです。admitは好ましくないものを受け入れる時に使われます。例文を見てみましょう。人間は自分の過ちを認めることで成長します。熟練したゲーマーは勝機がないとわかるとすぐに敗北を認めます。私たちは資本主義が経済格差を生むことを認めなくてはなりません。

Admit means “to agree something unwillingly”, the etymology comes from ad (direction) and mittere (to send), and the original meaning is admittere (to accept intrusion). Synonyms are acknowledge, accept and confess. Admit is used to accept undesirable things. Let’s see an example sentence. Humans grow by admitting their own mistakes. As skilled gamers admit defeat as soon as they know that there is no possibility of winning. We must admit that capitalism creates economic disparities.


commit /kəmít/ : (犯罪などを)犯す


Commit means “to do illegal activity”, the etymology comes from com (together) and mittere (to send), and the original meaning is committrere (to connect). Let’s see an example sentence. In a constitutional country, a person committing a crime is guilty. People who committed murder are severely punished. A man who despaired in his life commits suicide. People who committed adultery lose their trust from their families. The fraudsters make money by committing fraud.


commitment /kəˈmitmənt/ : 約束


Commitment means “a promise”, and the etymology comes from committere (connecting). Synonym is promise. Let’s see an example sentence. Humans make a commitment about future events. Honest people always fulfill their commitment.


commission /kəmíʃən/ : 委員会、歩合

commissionは「委員会」を意味し、語源はラテン語のcommittere(つなぐ)に由来します。同義語はcommittee, boardです。委員会とは、国から委託された仕事を行う団体のことです。具体例を見てみましょう。公正取引委員会は、公正で自由な経済競争を促し、市場の独占を取り締まります。国家公安委員会は警察庁を管理します。大規模な不正が発覚すると、国は調査のための委員会を設置します。

Commission means “a group of people to do the official job”, and the etymology comes from Latin committere (connection). Synonyms are committee and board. A commission is an organization that conducts work entrusted by the government. Let’s see concrete examples. The Fair Trade Commission urges fair and free economic competition and regulates market monopoly. The National Public Safety Commission manages the National Police Agency. When large scale fraud is discovered, the country will set up a commission for investigation.


The second meaning of commission is “extra money payed for the value”. Let’s see an example sentence. Insurance solicitors are working on a commission system. To exchange currencies you pay a bank a commission of a few percent. Affiliate earners enthusiastically recommend expensive items to receive high commission. A 10% commission is required to sell goods with the flea market app.


compromise /kάmprəmὰɪz/ : 妥協


Compromise means “an passable agreement for each other”, the etymology comes from com (together) and promise (promise), the original meaning is compromittere (to make a mutual promise). Let’s see an example sentence. The most important thing in finding a marriage partner is to compromise. The ruling party will compromise with the opposition party and will implement realistic political management. There is no room for compromise when opinions of each other conflict from a straight line. Stubborn people do not like to compromise.


dismiss /dɪsmís/ (考えを)退ける、解雇する

dismissは「退ける」を意味し、語源はdis(離れて)とmittere(送る)に由来し、原義はdimmittere(捨てる)です。同義語はreject, turn downです。例文を見てみましょう。保守的な会社は若い社員の独創的な提案を退けます。常人は非現実的なビジネスのアイデアを相手にしません。批評を退けることは、自分の成長につながりません。

Dismiss means “to refuse someone’s idea”, the etymology comes from dis (away) and mittere (send), and the original meaning is dimmittere (throw away). Synonyms are reject and turn down. Let’s see example sentences. A conservative company dismiss original ideas of young employees. An ordinary person will dismiss an unrealistic business idea. To dismiss criticism does not lead to your own growth.

dismissの二つ目の意味は「解雇する」で、同義語はfire, sackです。例文を見てみましょう。日本の会社は正社員を簡単に解雇できません。そのため企業は不況になると派遣社員やアルバイトを大量に解雇します。無断欠勤や遅刻を繰り返す人は解雇されます。

The second meaning of dismiss is “to remove someone from their job”, synonyms are fire and sack. Let’s see example sentences. A Japanese company can not dismiss regular employees easily. Therefore, in a depression, they dismiss a large number of temporary staff and part-time workers. People who repeat unnecessary absence or late will be dismissed.


dismissal /dɪsmísl/ 解雇

dismissalは「解雇」を意味し、語源はdimmittere(捨てる)に由来します。同義語はlayoff, dischargeです。例文を見てみましょう。日本では正社員の解雇が厳しく制限されています。会社は労働者を解雇する前に、解雇通知書を渡します。正当な理由なく労働者を解雇するのは不当解雇です。犯罪を犯した労働者は懲戒解雇の対象になります。

Dismissal means “removing someone’s job”, the etymology comes from dimmittere (throwing away). Synonyms are layoff and discharge. Let’s see example sentences. The dismissal of regular employees is severely restricted in Japan. The company hands off the notice of dismissal before dismissing the workers. It is unfair dismissal to dismiss workers without just cause. Workers who committed a crime will be subject to disciplinary dismissal.


emit /iːmít/(光や熱を)発する

emitは「放出する」を意味し、語源はex(外)とmittere(送る)に由来します。同義語はgive off, send out, radiateです。例文を見てみましょう。電球は光と熱を発します。コウモリは超音波を発して、獲物の場所を特定します。ウラン、プルトニウムのような放射性物質は放射能を発します。トラックは大量の排気ガスを放出します。

Emit means “to send out gas, heat, light, etc”, and the etymology comes from ex (out) and mittere (send). Synonyms are give off, send out and radiate. Let’s see an example sentence. The light bulb emits light and heat. The bat emits ultrasound and identifies the location of the prey. Radioactive substances such as uranium and plutonium emit radioactivity. The truck emits a large amount of exhaust gas.


emission /iːmíʃən/ 排出


Emission means “discharge of harmful gas”, and the etymology comes from emittere (to emit). Let’s see example sentences. Developed countries have established automobile emission control to prevent pollution by exhaust gas. Credit emissions are the amount that a company can emit greenhouse gases. Companies that emit too much greenhouse gas can purchase emissions credits from other companies. This is called emissions trading.


emissary /éməsèri/ : 使者

emissaryは「使者」を意味し、語源はemissarius(外に出されたもの)に由来します。同義語はmessenger, envoyです。例文を見てみましょう。昔の戦国大名は使者を派遣して情報の交換をしていました。使者を使うことで、書類の偽造や盗難を防止できるからです。

Emissary means “a messenger”, and the etymology comes from emissarius (that was sent out). Synonyms are messenger and envoy. Let’s see an example sentence. The old Sengoku Daimyo sent out emissary and exchanged information. Because using emissary prevents counterfeiting and theft of documents.


mission /míʃən/ : 派遣任務

missionは「派遣任務」を意味し、語源はmittere(送る)に由来します。同義語はduty, taskです。例文を見てみましょう。軍人は上官から指令を受け、任務を遂行します。国連の平和維持任務は、紛争を解決することを目的としています。ロシア軍の容赦ない爆撃作戦はイスラム国に大きな被害を与えました。

Mission means “an important job that involves traveling”, and the etymology comes from mittere (send). Synonyms are duty and task. Let’s see an example sentence. Military personnel receive orders from superiors and carry out their missions. The UN peacekeeping mission is aimed at resolving conflicts. The merciless bombing mission of the Russian army caused great damage to Islamic State.


missionary /míʃənèri/ : 宣教師


Missionary means “someone who teaches people about Christianity”, and the etymology comes from mission. Let’s see an example sentence. Missionaries are those who try to spread religion in a foreign country. Francisco Xavier is the first missionary who spread Christianity in Japan.


missile /mísl/ : ミサイル


Missile means “weapon to bomb a distant area”, and the etymology comes from missus (throwing). Let’s see an example sentence. Missiles are military weapons that bomb a distant place. Missiles are equipped with guidance devices and propulsion devices. Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) can also fly long distances across the continent. The United States, Russia, China, North Korea have intercontinental ballistic missiles. North Korea often launches missiles.


message /mésɪdʒ/ : 伝言


Message means “a spoken or written piece of information left for another person”, the etymology comes from mittere (to throw). Let’s see an example sentence. If you do not have a person in charge at work by telephone, the other person asks “Would you like to leave a message?” Or you should say “I’d like to leave a message with you.” People used the message board to meet when mobile phones did not exist.


omit /oʊmít/ : 除外する

omitは「除外する」を意味し、語源はob(強調)とmittere(投げる)に由来します。同義語はleave out, exclude, except, rule out, count outです。例文を見てみましょう。詳細を省いて説明することで、難しいことが理解しやすくなります。重要な契約書では詳細を省いてはいけません。端数を捨てることで、計算が楽になります。

Omit means “to not include something”, and the etymology comes from ob (emphasis) and mittere (to throw). Synonyms are leave out, exclude, except, rule out and count out. Let’s see an example sentence. By omitting the details, the difficult thing becomes easy to understand. Do not omit the details on important contracts. Omitting the fraction makes calculation easier.


permit /pɚmít/ : 許可する

permitは「許可する」を意味し、語源はper(通り抜けて)とmittere(投げる)に由来します。同義語はallow, letです。また対義語はprohibit, ban, forbidです。例文を見てみましょう。レストランは基本的に禁煙です。盲導犬は一部の店舗に入ることを認められます。

Permit means “to allow something”, the etymology comes from per (through) and mittere (throw). Synonyms are allow and let. In addition, antonyms are prohibit, ban and forbid. Let’s see an example sentence. Smoking is not basically permitted in restaurants. Guide dogs are permitted to enter some stores.


premise /prémɪs/ : 敷地

premiseは「敷地」を意味し、語源はprae(前)とmittere(投げる)に由来し、原義はpraemittere(前に投げる)です。同義語はsite, lot, plot, groundsです。例文を見てみましょう。関係者以外は会社の敷地内に入ることができません。工場内の敷地を歩くときは、トラックやフォークリフトに注意しましょう。

Premise means “a place that company, schools or other buildings use”, the etymology comes from prae (front) and mittere (throw), the principle is praemittere (throw in front). Synonyms are site, lot, plot and grounds. Let’s see an example sentence. Non official people can not enter the company premises. When walking on the premises in the factory, be aware of trucks and forklifts.


promise /prάmɪs/ : 約束

promiseは「約束」を意味し、語源はpro(前)とmittere(投げる)に由来し、原義はpromittere(予知する)です。同義語はswear, vow, assure, guarantee, pledgeです。例文を見てみましょう。子供は友達と放課後に遊ぶ約束をします。貧乏な家の子供は、将来お金持ちになることを心に決めます。ビジネス上の口約束は信頼できません。

Promise means “a word that you will certainly do something”, the etymology comes from pro (front) and mittere (throw), and the original is promittere (to predict). Synonyms are swear, vow, assure, guarantee and pledge. Let’s see an example sentence. Children make promises to play with their friends after school. A child of a poor home promise himself to be rich in the future. Verbal promise on business is unreliable.


remit /rɪmít/ : (お金を)送る


Remit means “to send money”, the etymology comes from re (behind) and mittere (send), and the original meaning is remittere (relax). Let’s see an example sentence. The company remits the payment by check. Recently more people remit money with smartphone applications. Migrant workers remit some of their salary to their parents’ house.


remittance /rɪmítns/ 送金


Remittance means “sending money”, the etymology comes from re (behind) and mittere (send). Let’s see an example sentence. Many Japanese use banks to make a remittance. In the US it is common to use checks for remittances. To remit money to an overseas account, a remittance charge is required.


submit /səbmít/ : 提出する

submitは「提出する」を意味し、語源はsub(下)とmittere(送る)に由来し、原義はsubmittere(下に置く)です。同義語はhand in, present, introduceです。例文を見てみましょう。大学生は講師にレポートを提出します。大きなミスを犯した会社員は会社に始末書を提出します。会社を辞めたい会社員は上司に辞表を提出します。結婚したいカップルは市役所に婚姻届を提出します。

Submit means “to give a piece of writing to someone in authority “, the origin is derived from sub (lower) and mittere (send), and the original is submittere (put down). Synonyms are hand in, present and introduce. Let’s see an example sentence. College students submit reports to instructors. An employee who made a big mistake will submit a written apology to the company. An employee wishing to quit the company submits his resignation to his boss. A couple wishing to get married submits a marriage notification to the city office.


語源sub (下)の英単語の意味まとめ


transmit /trænsmít/ : 発信する

transmitは「発信する」を意味し、語源はtrans(超える)とmittere(投げる)に由来し、原義はtransmittere(通り過ぎる)です。同義語はsend, forwardです。例文を見てみましょう。電話は音声の電気信号を電話回線を通じて送信します。パソコンはインターネットを通じてたくさんの情報を送信します。発電所は大量の電気を各家庭に送っています。

Transmit means “to send signals or information”, the etymology comes from trans (across) and mittere (throw), the original meaning is transmittere (pass by). Synonyms are send and forward. Let’s see an example sentence. The telephone transmits the electric signal of the voice through the telephone line. The personal computer transmits a lot of information through the Internet. The power station transmits a lot of electricity to each household.


語源trans (横切る)の英単語の意味まとめ
