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語源alt, alti, altus (高い)の英単語の意味まとめ




altimeter /æltíməṭɚ/:高度計




Altimeter means “a device to measure altitude”, and the etymology comes from altus (high) and metron (measure).

An altimeter is a device to know altitude, used for climbing and aircraft.

There are two types of altimeter: barometric altimeter and radio altimeter.

Mountaineers wears barometric altimeters of the wristwatch type.

Many climbers use altimeter application of smartphone now.

Aircrafts are equipped with radio altimeter.


altitude /ˈæltət(j)ùːd/:高度



Altitude means “height from above the sea”, and the etymology comes from altus (height). The synonyms are height and elevation.

Altitude usually means the height from the sea level. This word is used in aviation and climbing.

Let’s see example sentences.

In a field of aircrafts, people use “feet” as a unit of altitude.

The aircraft’s cruise altitude is set at 35,000 feet (10,000 meters). Because this altitude can minimize air resistance and fuel consumption.

Altitude is also used in mountain climbing. When people climb a high mountain, they may have altitude sickness.

Altitude sickness is a symptoms for a lack of oxygen. Main symptoms of altitude sickness are headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness.


alto /ˈæltoʊ/:アルト



Alto means “voice range of females”, the etymology comes from altus (high). This word also means “high” in Italian. The synonym is contralto.

There are two voice ranges of women; soprano and alto.

Alto is the lower voice range.

Alto is used in musical instruments.

Junior high school students play an alto recorder in a music class.


enhance /ɪnhˈæns/:質を高める

enhanceは「質を高める」を意味し、語源はaltus(高い)に由来します。原義はラテン語のinaltare(高くする)で、同義語はimprove, get betterです。


Enhance means “to make something better”, and the etymology comes from altus (high). The original meaning is Latin inaltare (to raise). The synonyms are improve and get better.

Let’s see example sentences.

We can enhance our vocabulary by reading many books.

If you would like to attract the opposite sex, you may enhance your appearance.

We can enhance our writing skill with a blog.

Good sleep enhance our health.


exalt /ɪgzˈɔːlt/:昇進させる

exaltは「昇進させる」を意味し、語源はex(外)とaltus(高い)に由来します。原義はラテン語のexaltare(向上させる)で、同義語はpromote, win a promotion, rise in rankです。


Exalt means “to promote someone to a higher rank”, and the etymology comes from ex (outside) and altus (high). The original meaning is Latin exaltare (to improve), and the synonyms are promote, win a promotion and rise in rank.

Let’s see an example sentence.

In a seniority system, most workers can be exalted to a higher position regardless of their skill.

In a result-based company, only capable workers can be exalted to a higher position.
