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語源centrum, center (中心)の英単語の意味まとめ



center /sénṭɚ/ : 中心、センター


Center means “the middle of area or space”. The etymology comes from centrum (center). The synonym is middle. Let’s see example sentences of center.

We usually put a dining table at the center of the room. Radius is the distance between the center of circle and circumference. In math class at junior high school, students learn how to solve the center of gravity in a triangle. The center of steering wheel has a car horn button.


The second meaning of center is “the main place for a particular activity”. Tokyo in Japan is the political and economic center. Osaka is also the commercial center. London and New York is the financial center. To get a high-paying job, we should work in the center of the city.


The third meaning of center is “a place for particular service”. Conference centers are the buildings to lease rooms temporally for seminars, briefing sessions and parties. A recreation center is a facility to play various sports. A shopping center is a commercial facility with retail stores, fast food restaurants, restaurants, barbershop and book shops.


centrifugal /sentrífjʊg(ə)l/ : 遠心力の



Centrifugal means “relating to the force run away from its center”. The etymology comes from centrum (center) and fugure (to run away). Centrifugal force is the force of running away from its center in a rotating object. Let’s see examples of centrifugal force.

A washing machine rotate its drum quickly, generate centrifugal force and remove water in clothes. In addition, holes within the drum is designed to drive water away. This force is used in sports. The hammer throwing use centrifugal force to throw the hammer. A centrifuge, mentioned later, use centrifugal force.


centrifuge /séntrəfjùːdʒ/ : 遠心機



Centrifuge means “an instrument to separate substances”. The etymology comes from centrum (center) and fugere (to run away). Centrifuge is an instrument to separate substances with centrifugal force.


concentrate /kάnsntrèɪt/ : 集中する


同義語はfocus, centerです。concentrateは必ず前置詞のonとセットで使います。

Concentrate means “mentally focus on”. The etymology comes from com (together) and centrum (center). The synonym is focus and center. We always use concentrate with the proposition “on”. Let’s see example sentences of concentrate.

Students who want to concentrate on their study, will go to a library or a coffee shop. We should concentrate on our work in working hours. Asperger’s syndrome people are good at concentrating on only one thing. People find it difficult to concentrate on things which they are not interested in.


eccentric /ekséntrɪk/ : 普通でない


原義はギリシャ語のekkentros(中心から外れた)です。同義語はodd, strange, unusualです。

Eccentric means “not usual”. The etymology comes from ek (out) and kentron (center). The original meaning is Greek ekkentros (out of the center). The synonyms are odd, strange and unusual.

Let’s see example sentences of eccentric. It is common that a genius is a eccentric person. Eccentric clothes will attract attention of people around. Eccentric behavior is a sign of mental illness.


egocentric /ìːgoʊséntrɪk/ : 自己中心的

egocentricは「自己中心的」を意味し、語源はego(私)とkentron(中心)に由来し、同義語はegoistic, selfish, self-centeredです。

Egocentric means “thinking only about oneself”. The etymology comes from ego (myself) and kentron (center). The synonym is egoistic, selfish and self-centered. Let’s see example sentences of egocentric.

Egocentric persons are too proud to think about other people. Egocentric workers are alienated from their company. An egocentric freelance cannot get a job offer from companies. Parent must not spoil their egocentric children. They should discipline the children strictly. Egocentric character has a bad effect on leading social life.


epicenter /épɪsènṭɚ/ : 震央


Epicenter means “a place above the focus of earthquake”. The etymology comes from epi (over) and center. Epicenter is the place above the point where earthquake happened (seismic center, hypocenter). Epicenter is most close to hypocenter and suffer the most serious damage. Epicenter is used in seismology, which is the study of earthquake.


ethnocentrism /èθnoʊséntrɪzm/ : 自民族中心主義



Ethnocentrism is “the brief of superiority in one’s own group”. The etymology comes from ethno (human race) and center. This word has the same etymology with “ethnic” and “ethnology”.

Ethnocentrism is the idea that a particular group think their own culture is better than other group’s cultures. Ethnocentrism is coined by a social evolutionist, William Summer. Let’s see examples of ethnocentrism.

Gossip items and television program sometimes despise other cultures. Ethnocentrism is not peculiar to Japan. In Euro countries, there are movements against immigrants.
