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語源art (技術)の英単語の意味まとめ



art /άɚt/:芸術



Art means “expression of ideas or feelings”, and the etymology comes from artem (technology).

Art is the creative activities to creator’s feelings or ideas by using language, painting and sounds. The field of art is extensive. The art of language is literature. The art of using sight is fine art. The art of sounds is music.

Art also means objects made by artist. The synonyms are work and artwork. Many arts are exhibited in a museum. In present days, some creators upload their arts in their site.


artifact /άɚṭɪf`ækt/:遺物



Artifact means “things made in the past”, and the etymology comes from art (skill) and facere (make).

Artifact is a old tool left by people in the past. It especially means earthenwares, stone tools, ceramics and metal tools excavated in remains. Artifacts have a close relation with archaeology to study human activity from their remains. Archaeologists get happy to dig up artifacts.


artificial /ὰɚṭəfíʃəl/:人工の



Artificial means “to be made by human”, and the etymology comes from artificialis (relating to skills).

Artificial is used for substitution of natural things. If we lose our leg in an accident, we put on an artificial leg. Women who cannot get pregnant use artificial insemination. Lifeguards practice artificial respiration on people who cannot breathe. In modern days, artificial intelligence has taken away human’s brain work.

Artificial flowers need no care unlike real flowers. There are more foods that does not contain artificial colors. Patients with renal failure use artificial dialysis.


artful /άɚtf(ə)l/:ずる賢い

artfulは「ずる賢い」を意味し、語源はart(技術)に由来します。同義語はcunning, sly, cleverです。


Artful means “to be good at deceiving people”, and the synonyms are cunning, sly and clever. The etymology comes from art (skill).

An artful con man deceive people with honeyed words to take away their money. Artful sales persons of building companies make old people build apartment buildings. Artful sales reps recommend financial products with high commission to ignorant customers. Recently, the search algorithm in Google has been highly developed, and so artful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is no longer effective.


artist /άɚṭɪst/:画家



Artist means “someone who produces painting or drawing arts”. Its synonym is painter.

Leonardo da Vinci is the world-famous artist and produced famous works such as ‘The Last Supper’ or ‘the Mona Lisa’. Van Gogh was an unknown artist in his lifetime and had an unsuccessful life. Artist generally means someone who produce artworks. In a field of music, songwriters, composers and musicians are called artist.


artisan /άɚṭəzn/:職人



Artisan means someone who makes things. The synonym is craftsman. The etymology comes from artire (to instruct skills).

Artisan is the job to produce things with their hands and high leveled skills. Artisans make furnitures, crafts and dishes. Mass production deprives artisan’s jobs.
