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語源aud (聴く)の英単語の意味まとめ



audible /ˈɔːdəbl/:音が聞こえる



Audible means “that sounds are enough loud to be heard”, and the etymology comes from audire (to hear). The antonym is inaudible. Let’s show you example sentences.

In crowd, our normal voice become barely audible. If we play hide-and-seek, we talk with our friend in barely audible voice. We should speak in clearly audible voice in a job interview. Human ear can hear sounds from 20Hz to 20,000Hz. This range is audible frequency (audible range). Amazon provide us with a reading aloud service, Audible.


audience /ˈɔːdiəns/:聴衆

audienceは「聴衆」を意味し、語源はaudire(聴く)に由来します。同義語はthe crowd, spectatorです。


Audience means “people to watch”, and the etymology comes from audire (hear). The synonym the crowd and spectator means sports watchers. Let’s show you example sentences of audience.

Popular movies make a theater filled with audiences.  Audiences laugh at comedian’s gag. In magic show, a host encourage audiences participation. As actors perform to huge audiences, they need enough courage.

Audience also means TV viewers. TV stations sometime make extreme and violent TV programs for higher audience rate. The news of scandals attract audiences.


audio /ˈɔːdiòʊ/:機械音声の



Audio means relating to sounds recorded or broadcasted, and the etymology comes from audire (hear). Let’s show you example sentences.

Many people use smartphones as audio devices instead of iPod or walkman. As many American people commute by car, audio books spread among them. Audiophiles are particular about their audio amplifier.

Bose is the famous audio equipment maker and provide us with expensive and high-quality products. Human hear the sounds of audio frequency range of roughly 20Hz to 20,000Hz.


audiology /ɔ̀ːdiɑ́lədʒi/:聴覚学



Audiology means the study of hearing, and the etymology comes from audio (sound) and logy (study).

Audiology is the study of hearing process and its disorder. Someone who cures hearing disorder is audiologist. Japanese Speech-language-hearing therapist do the same job. In America, this profession is divided into audiologist and speech language pathologist.


audit /ˈɔːdɪt/:会計監査



Audit means the examination of company’s financial record, and the etymology comes from audire (hear).

Financial audit is the examination of company’s financial record to check that they are correct. As the past audits was oral examination, the word ‘audit’ has the etymology of audire. Someone who does audit is auditor.

If a company conceal their loss and make a false financial record, banks and investors cannot make a right judgement. We need financial audit to secure market equality. Internal audit is the examination by company itself to check that staffs work properly.


audition /ɔːdíʃən/:オーディション



Audition means “a test for performers”, and the etymology comes from audere (hear).

Audition is a short performance to select actors, singers and comedians from applicants. People eager for comedians have an applicant screening and audition. The audition for AKB48 is famous in Japan. As many women take an audition for idols, there is a lot of competition for them.


auditorium /`ɔːdətˈɔːriəm/:講堂



Auditorium means a place for public to hear something, and the etymology comes from audire (hear) and ory (place).

Auditorium is the place for people to listen to musical plays or lectures and watch dramas. Let’s show you example sentences.

Elementary or junior high school use its gymnasium as an auditorium. Famous musician performs to audiences in a large auditorium.


auditory /ˈɔːdət`ɔːri/:聴覚の



Auditory means “to be relating to the sense of hearing”, and the etymology comes from auditor (hearer).

Auditory nerves send the sense of hearing and of equilibrium to one’s brain. Drug addiction and trauma cause auditory hallucination. Auditory (or hearing) impairment have a negative effect on daily life.
