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語源pater (父)の英単語の意味まとめ



expatriate /ekspéɪtrièɪt/ : 国外居住者


Expatriate means “a person who lives in a foreign country”, the etymology comes from ex (out) and patrie (mother country). Synonyms are non-resident. Let’s see an example sentence. Japanese expatriates means people who have not lived in Japan for more than a year. Japanese expatriates are exempt from income tax and inheritance tax. A rich who does not want to pay tax becomes a expatriate to avoid paying taxes.


paternal /pətˈɚːnl/ : 父性の


Paternal means “relating to a father”, and the etymology comes from pater (father). Antonym is maternal. Let’s see an example sentence. A paternal grandmother loves her grandchild. Children feel happy by feeling paternal love. Fathers should interact with their children in a paternal manner.


paternalism /pətə’ːrnəlìzm/ : パターナリズム


Paternalism means “when strong organization protect people at the cost of their freedom”, and the etymology comes from paternal (father) and ism (mechanism). Paternalism is, briefly, a strong human supports a weak person regardless of their will. Paternalism is a nuisance to those who are self-reliant. Let me introduce some examples of paternalism. It is the paternalism that the country obliges motorcyclists to wear a helmet. It is also the paternalism that the country prohibits gambling. It is also paternalism that the country regulates the sale of adult cartoons unilaterally.


patriarchy /péɪtriὰɚki/ : 家父長制


Patriarchy means “social organization where male family has absolute authority”, and the etymology is pater (father) and arkhein (govern). The antonym is matriarchy (system of motherhood). Patriarchy is the family form in which the patriarch has absolute power in the paternal family system. In the patriarchal system, the rights of people other than the patriarch were largely restricted.


語源arch, archy, arkhein (支配者)の英単語の意味まとめ


patrician /pətríʃən/ : 貴族

patricianは「貴族」を意味し、語源はpater(父)に由来します。同義語はnoble, nobleman, aristocratで、対義語はcommon (ordinary) peopleです。例文を見てみましょう。貴族とは、生まれや功績により高い社会階級と特権を持つ人たちのことです。貴族の存在を認めることは、民主主義を否定することでもあります。また爵位とは貴族の階級のことで、上から順に公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵に分けられます。

Patrician means “people in the upper class”, and the etymology comes from pater (father). Synonyms are noble, nobleman, aristocrat, and the antonym is common (ordinary) people. Let’s see an example sentence. Patrician is those who have a high social class and privilege due to birth and achievement. Admitting the existence of patrician is also to deny democracy. In addition, the title of the aristocracy means the class of the patrician, and it is divided into duke, marquis, count, viscount and baron in order from the top.


patrimony /pˈætrəmòʊni/ : (父からの)遺産

patrimonyは「遺産」を意味し、語源はpater(父)とmonium(状態)に由来します。同義語はinheritance, heritageです。例文を見てみましょう。親が亡くなると、子供は遺産を相続します。遺産を巡る親族間の争いは恥ずべきことです。親からの財産をギャンブルにつぎ込むのは非常に愚かな行為です。

Patrimony means “property given from parents to their children”, and the etymology comes from pater (father) and monium (state). Synonyms are inheritance and heritage. Let’s see an example sentence. The child inherits the patrimony at the death of their parents. A conflict between relatives over patrimony is disgraceful. It is a very foolish act to gamble patrimony.


patriot /péɪtriət/ : 愛国者

patriotは「愛国者」を意味し、語源はpatris(祖国)に由来します。同義語はnationalistです。 例文を見てみましょう。愛国者とは、自分の国に愛国心を抱く人たちのことです。日本人の愛国者は数がとても少ないです。またpatriotはミサイル名としても使われ、アメリカで開発されて地対空ミサイルを指します。さらにpatriotは法律の名前にも使われています。米国愛国者法は、テロリズムと戦うために政府の権限を拡大する法律です。

Patriot means “someone who loves their country”, and the etymology comes from patris (mother country). Synonym is nationalist. Let’s see an example sentence. A patriot is a person who has patriotism in his country. The number of Japanese patriots is very small. Patriot is also used as a missile name, it is developed in the USA and refers to a surface-to-air missile. In addition patriot is also used as the name of the law. The US Patriot Act is a law that expands the authority of the government to fight terrorism.


patriotism /péɪtriətìzm/ : 愛国心


Patriotism means “great love of your country”, and the etymology comes from patriot and ism (idea). Let’s see an example sentence. The soldier has strong patriotism. Early in Japan, education that nurtures patriotism was done. Patriotism education is institutionalized in China. Insulting the state means to agitate the people’s patriotism.


patron /ˈpeɪtrən/ : 後援者

patronは「後援者」を意味し、語源はpater(父)に由来します。同義語はbenefactor, sponsorです。例文を見てみましょう。芸術でお金を稼ぐのは難しいので、芸術家にはお金を出してくれるパトロンが必要です。お金を持て余した富豪は時に芸術家のパトロンになります。patronは宗教の用語にも使われます。守護聖人とは、特定の職業にゆかりのある聖人のことです。例えばジャンヌダルクは軍人の守護聖人です。

Patron means “someone who support activities or organizations by giving money”, and the etymology comes from pater (father). Synonyms are benefactor and sponsor. Let’s see an example sentence. Because it is difficult to earn money with art, artists need patrons that will give them money. Sometimes the wealthy man with too much money becomes an artist’s patron. Patron is also used for terminology of religion. A patron saint is a saint who is familiar with a particular occupation. For example, Jeanne d’Arc is a patron saint of a soldier.


pattern /pˈæṭɚn/ : 様式、模様


Pattern means “style”, and the etymology comes from pater (father). The original meaning is “what you should model like a father.” Let’s see an example sentence. Behavior patterns of robots are easy to predict, but human behavior patterns are difficult to predict. Women like flower pattern clothes. To maintain good health, you should enhance your pattern of life. The job of line work follows a set pattern and it is boring. People who love machines want a computer of new pattern.
