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語源point, pung, punct (刺す)の英単語の意味まとめ



acupuncture /ˈækjʊp`ʌŋ(k)tʃɚ/ : 鍼治療


Acupuncture means “medical treatment of needle”, and the etymology comes from acus (needle) and puncture (hole). Acupuncture and moxibustion is a folk remedy that improves the health of the body with acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture treatment, in particular, refers to the treatment of sticking thin needle to acupuncture points of the body. In order to do acupuncture and moxibustion as a business, a practitioner with a national qualification is necessary. Also, in order to apply health insurance to treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion, a doctor’s consent form is necessary. This is because the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare does not acknowledge acupuncture and moxibustion as an insurance medical institution.


語源acer, acri, acu (刺す)の英単語の意味まとめ


appoint /əpˈɔɪnt/ : 任命する

appointは「任命する」を意味し、語源はad(方向)とpoint(点)に由来し、同義語はnominate, nameです。例文を見てみましょう。日本国憲法では、天皇が内閣総理大臣を任命することが規定されています。2012年に安倍晋三が日本の内閣総理大臣に任命されました。内閣総理大臣は他の国務大臣を任命します。地方公共団体の長には、地方公務員を任命したり罷免したりする権限があります。

Appoint means “to choose someone as a official job”, the etymology comes from ad (direction) and point, and the synonym is nominate and name. Let’s see an example sentence. Under the Constitution of Japan, it is stipulated that the Emperor appoints the Prime Minister. Shinzo Abe was appointed as Prime Minister of Japan in 2012. The Prime Minister appoints other Ministers of State. The heads of local governments have the authority to appoint or dismiss local civil servants.


compunction /kəmpˈʌŋ(k)ʃən/ : 良心の呵責

compunctionは「良心の呵責」を意味し、語源はcom(強調)とpungere(刺す)に由来し、原義はラテン語のcompangere(強く刺す)です。同義語はremorse, pang of conscience, guilty conscienceです。例文を見てみましょう。正直な人間は嘘をつくことに良心の呵責を覚えます。サイコパスは嘘をつくことを少しも悪いとは思いません。彼らは悪びれもなく他人を騙します。デリカシーのない人は平気で人を傷つける発言をします。

Compunction means “a feeling of guilty”, the origin is derived from com (emphasis) and pungere (stabbing), the original meaning is Latin compangere (strongly sting). Synonyms are remorse, pang of conscience, guilty conscience. Let’s see an example sentence. Honest people will have compunction to lie. Psychopaths have no compunction about making a lie. They deceive other people without compunction. A person without delicacy speaks ill of other people without compunction.


disappoint /dìsəpˈɔɪnt/ : 失望させる

disappointは「失望させる」を意味し、語源はdis(否定)とappoint(指名する)に由来し、原義はdesappointer(約束を反故にする)です。同義語はdespair, lose heart, discourageです。例文を見てみましょう。没落している中間層は資本主義に失望しています。たくさん勉強した生徒は、試験に落ちると落胆するでしょう。親思いな子供は、両親を失望させないように努力をします。多額の借金を抱えてしまった場合、失望せずに自己破産しましょう。人に過度な信頼を寄せると、裏切られた時に大いに失望することになります。粉飾決算のニュースは投資家を失望させました。

Disappoint means “to make someone unhappy”, the etymology comes from dis (deny) and appoint (nominate), the original meaning is desappointer (to break the promise). Synonyms are despair, lose heart and discourage. Let’s see an example sentence. The falling middle class is disappointed with capitalism. Students who have studied a lot will be discouraged if they fail the exam. An intimate child makes an effort not to disappoint parents. If you have a lot of debts, let’s file for self bankruptcy without disappointment. If you give excessive trust to people, you will be greatly disappointed when betrayed. The news on dressing accounts disappointed investors.


point /pˈɔɪnt/ : 意見



punch /pˈʌntʃ/ : 殴る

punchは「殴る」を意味し、語源はpungere(穴を開ける)に由来します。同義語はhit, strike, beat, knockです。例文を見てみましょう。ボクシングは、拳にグローブを着用し、相手を殴って倒すスポーツです。熟練したボクサーはパンチを難なく避けます。勧善懲悪のストーリーでは、正義のヒーローが悪党の顔面を殴りつけます。地面を殴るのは、悔しさを発散させるための行為です。


Punch means “hit with a fist” and the etymology comes from pungere (puncture). Synonyms are hit, strike, beat and knock. Let’s see an example sentence. Boxing is a sport that wears gloves on the fist and punches the opponent and knocks down. A skilled boxer avoids punching without difficulty. In the story of a poetic justice, the justice hero punches a villain in the face. Punching the ground is an act to express frustration.

The second meaning of punch is “a tool to open a hole”. In the past, the station attendant punched the ticket, but now it was replaced by an automatic ticket gate. Also a while ago, a clerk opened a hole with a punch to close the document with a file.


punctilious /pʌŋ(k)tíliəs/ : 几帳面な

punctiliousは「几帳面な」を意味し、語源はpunctum(穴を開ける)に由来します。同義語はprecise, exact, punctualです。


punctual /pˈʌŋ(k)tʃuəl/ : 時間に几帳面な

punctualは「時間に几帳面な」を意味し、語源はpunctus(穴を開ける)に由来します。同義語はmethodical, scrupulous, regular, on timeです。例文を見てみましょう。真面目な生徒は時間通りに授業に出席し、真面目な会社員は時間通りに会社に到着します。時間に几帳面な人は、多くの人から信頼されます。ビジネスマンは約束の時間を守らないといけません。

Punctual means “do in exact time”, and the etymology comes from punctus (puncturing). Synonyms are methodical, scrupulous, regular and on time. Let’s see an example sentence. Earnest students are punctual in attending class, and hard-working office workers are punctual in arriving at the company. Punctual persons are trusted by many people. Businessmen should be punctual for the appointed time.


punctuate /pˈʌŋ(k)tʃuèɪt/ : 句読点を打つ


Punctuate means “put a comma or period in a sentence”, and the etymology comes from puntus (puncture). Let’s see an example sentence. Written sentences punctuated neatly are easy to read. A good writer is good at punctuating. For readers, let’s punctuate long sentences.


puncture /pˈʌŋ(k)tʃɚ/ : タイヤのパンク

punctureは「タイヤのパンク」を意味し、語源はpungere(穴を開ける)に由来します。同義語はflat tire, blowoutです。punctureはイギリス英語で使われ、アメリカ英語ではflat tire(略してflat)と表現します。例文を見てみましょう。自転車のタイヤがパンクしたら、サイクリングショップでパンクを修理してもらいましょう。自動車がパンクした場合に備えて、運転手はスペアタイアを用意しておくべきです。またランフラットタイヤなら、車がパンクしても100kmほど走行が可能です。


Puncture means “making a small hole in a tire”, and the etymology comes from pungere (puncture). Synonyms are flat tire and blowout. The word “puncture” is used in British English and in American English it is expressed as flat tire (tire for short). Let’s see an example sentence. If the bicycle has a puncture, let’s have a bicycle puncture fixed at a cycling shop. The driver should have a spare tire ready in case the car is punctured. In the case of a run flat tire, even if the car is punctured, it is possible to travel about 100 km.

The second meaning of puncture is “to make a small hole in the body”. For example, using a puncture device, we can extract blood from our body with minimal scarring and pain. If you suffer a deep puncture wound, hurry to stop bleeding and disinfect it and let the nearest dermatologist diagnose it.


pungent /pˈʌndʒənt/ : 刺激臭の、辛辣な

pungentは「強い味や臭いを持つこと」を意味し、語源はpungere(穴を開ける)に由来します。同義語はacrid, irritantです。例文を見てみましょう。タバスコはピリッと辛いソースです。アンモニアは刺激臭のある無色の気体です。ニンニクのキツイ臭いは食欲を刺激します。唐辛子の辛味成分には体を温め、発汗をうながす効果があります。

pungentの二つ目の意味は「言論が辛辣であること」で、同義語はsevere, sharp, biting, acrimoniousです。例文を見てみましょう。皮肉屋はいつも辛辣な発言をします。批評家は駄作に対して痛烈な批評をします。

Pungent means “to have strong taste and smell”, and the etymology comes from pungere (puncture). Synonyms are acrid and irritant. Let’s see an example sentence. Tabasco is a pungent sauce. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Garlic’s pungent smells stimulate our appetite. The pungent ingredient of chillies has the effect of warming up the body and promoting sweating.

The second meaning of pungent is “the speech is bitter”, its synonyms are severe, sharp, biting and acrimonious. Let’s see an example sentence. A sarcastic man always make pungent remarks. Critics make a pungent criticism against poor work.
