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語源arm (武器)の英単語の意味まとめ



alarm /əlάɚm/:警報



Alarm means “a device to make a loud sound”, and the etymology comes from the Italian all’arme (weapons!).

Alarm means a device that gives out loud sounds and informs us of danger. Let’s see an example sentence.

When a fire occurs in the building, a fire alarm will sound. To prevent shoplifting, burglar alarms are attached to expensive items. If you do not want to bring the thief close, you should install an alarm at home. Recent cars are equipped with a car alarm in order to combat car theft.


arm /άɚm/:武装する



Arm means “to equip with weapons”, and the etymology comes from arma (weapon). Let’s see an example sentence.

Bank robber armed handguns and threaten bankers. A young woman walking in the street should arm a stun gun or a tear spray to counter a thug. Many Americans armed rifles for self defense.


armada /ɑɚmάːdə/:艦隊



Armada means “a fleet”, and the etymology comes from Latin armata (military). Synonym is fleet.

Armada means “fleet” even in Spain and Portuguese. An armada is one of naval units and refers to a group of two or more warships in a broad sense. The Armada is a historically famous invincible fleet. The invincible Armada was dispatched to stop piracy by England.


armadillo /ὰɚmədíloʊ/:アルマジロ



Armadillo means “a hard-shelled animal”, and the etymology comes from Latin armado (wearing armor). Let’s see an example sentence.

Armadillo is distributed from North America to Argentina. Armadillo is easy to get into people, so it may be kept as a pet. When Armadillo is attacked by an enemy, he retracts limbs and protects himself with a hard shell. Armadillo’s armor is so hard that it bounces bullets.


armament /άɚməmənt/:軍備



Armament means “military weapons”, and the etymology comes from armare (armed).

Armament is the weapon possessed by the army. Let’s see an example sentence.

A typical example of armament race is the competition over the nuclear arms of the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Since then both armament expenditures were tight, they began reduction of armament. Armed with the nuclear weapons of North Korea, there is an increasing debate as to whether Japan should also have nuclear armament.


armistice /άɚmɪstɪs/:停戦協定



Armistice means “agreement to stop war”, and the origin is derived from arma (weapon) and stitim (stopping). Synonyms are ceasefire and truce. Let’s see an example sentence.

Before concluding an armistice agreement, it is necessary to negotiate a ceasefire o a truce. Armistice agreement simply stops war acts. Unlike the Peace Treaty, the hostile relationship is still going on. For example, South Korea and North Korea are still in a ceasefire situation.

The merit of armistice agreement is to be able to finish the war with minimal damage. It is far more convenient than unconditional surrender, entrusting all power to the enemy.

November 11th is an armistice anniversary in the United States. On this day the United States has concluded an armistice agreement with Germany and ended the World War 1.


armory /άɚm(ə)ri/:武器庫

armoryは「武器庫」を意味し、語源はarm(武器)とory(場所)に由来します。同義語はarsenal, weapons storeです。


Armory means “weapons store”, and the origin is derived from arm (weapon) and ory (place). Synonyms are arsenal, weapons store. Let’s see an example sentence.

Various weapons such as rifles, bombs, tanks and grenades are stored in the armory. It is common that armories are strictly guarded. This is because when a thief enters the armory and steals a weapon, it is used as a tool of riot.


armor /άɚmɚ/:鎧



Armor means “a protecter”, and the etymology comes from arma (weapon). Let’s see an example sentence.

Armor is garment to protect yourself from weapons and bow and arrow attacks. Warriors were wearing armor during the war.

There are also several kinds of armor. Chainmail is an early made armor, and it is easy to make and has excellent flexibility. The plate armor that covers the whole body is sturdy, but it is very heavy. Japanese armor is made elaborately and has high craft value.


arms /άɚmz/:兵器



Arms means “weapons”, and the etymology comes from arma (weapon).

Arms is treated as plural form, but it does not express like one arm, two arms. It is treated like people.

The synonym “weapon” also include familiar tools such as knives and bats, but arms mainly refers to weapons for war. Let’s see an example sentence.

Arms are the essence of the military power of the country. A country with strong arms will dominate over others. So during the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for the development of nuclear arms. This is an arms race.

However, since military expenditure began to put pressure on both countries, they began arms reduction. Since war is taking place even in modern times, smuggling of arms makes profit. To prevent confusion of war, many countries are carrying out arms embargo.


army /άɚmi/:陸軍

armyは「陸軍」を意味し、語源はarmare(武装する)に由来します。同義語はground forceです。


Army means “military force to fight on land”, and the etymology comes from armare (armed). Synonym is ground force. Let’s see an example sentence.

The military force of the country is composed of Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Army performs military operations on land. Army soldiers can be divided into commissioned officers, petty officers, soldiers.


disarmament /dɪsάɚməmənt/:軍縮

disarmamentは「軍縮」を意味し、語源はdis(否定)とarmament(武装)に由来します。同義語はarms limitation, arms reductionです。


Disarmament means “reduction of armament”, and the etymology comes from dis (denial) and armament (armed). Synonyms are arms limitation, arms reduction. Let’s see an example sentence.

The main purpose of the national disarmament is to reduce military expenses. If only one country disarms, it will be more disadvantageous with military power than other countries. Therefore, it is common to conduct disarmament among the multilateral countries.

For example, the United States and the Soviet Union cautiously promoted nuclear disarmament during the Cold War. Bilateral disarmament is necessary between large powers.
