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語源rode (かじる)の英単語の意味まとめ



corrode /kəróʊd/ : 腐食する

corrodeは「腐食する」を意味し、語源はcom(強調)とrodere(噛む)に由来し、原義はラテン語のcorrodere(すり減る)です。同義語はerode, rust awayです。例文を見てみましょう。


Corrode means “to slowly destroy metal or something”, the etymology comes from com (emphasis) and rodere (biting), the original meaning is Latin corrodere (wearing down). Synonym is erode and rust away. Let’s see an example sentence.

Iron corrodes by contact with air or water. The corroded iron turns brown. On the other hand, stainless steel does not corrode, so it is used for faucets and sinks.


corrosive /kəróʊsɪv/ : 腐食性の



Corrosive means “be able to slowly destroy metals or something”, and the etymology comes from corrode (corroding). Let’s see an example sentence.

Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive to the skin. Seawater, human sweat and acid rain is corrosive to metals. Corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine and ammonia corrode other objects.


erode /ɪrˈəʊd/ : 侵食する



Erode means “to gradually destroy the surface”, the etymology comes from ex (outside) and rodere (biting), the original meaning is Latin erodere (to consume). Erode is often used for rocks and soils. Let’s see an example sentence.

When the river rises due to heavy rain, the land erodes. The tetrapod prevents waves from eroding coastlines. The Grand Canyon was born as the Colorado Plateau eroded by the Colorado River.


erosion /ɪrˈəʊʒən/ : 侵食



Erosion means “the process of destroy rock gradually”, the etymology comes from ex (apart) and rodere (biting), and the original meaning is Latin erodere (consuming). Let’s see an example sentence.

Erosion is the scraping of rocks and strata by water and wind. The wind erosion becomes a factor of desertification. Construction of a dam in the river reduces the amount of sand flowing into the coast and causes coastal erosion. Limestone caves are formed by limestone erosion.
