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語源riv, ripa, rivus (川、岸)の英単語の意味まとめ



arrive /ərάɪv/ : 到着する

arriveは「到着する」を意味し、語源はad(方向)とripa(岸)に由来し、原義はラテン語のarripare(岸に触れる)です。同義語はget to, reach、対義語はleave, start, departです。arriveは自動詞なので、目的語の前には前置詞がつきます。例文を見てみましょう。



Arrive means “to get to the place”, the origin is derived from ad (direction) and ripa (shore), and the original meaning is Latin arripare (to touch the shore). Synonyms are get to and reach. Antonyms are leave, start and depart. Since arrive is intransitive, you attach prepositions (such as in, on, at) before the object. Let’s see an example sentence.

Honest office workers arrive at the office early. When a child arrives home late at night, parents are worried that something happened. In Japan, trains arrive at the station on time.

Students have to arrive school by eight thirty. When the police arrive at the crime scene, they will listen to the witness. When you arrive at the hospital, let’s finish the procedure at the reception desk.


derive /dɪrάɪv/ : 良いものを得る、派生する

deriveは「良いものを得る」を意味し、語源はde(起点)とrivus(流れ)に由来し、原義はラテン語のderivare(源流から引き出す)です。同義語はget, obtain, gainです。例文を見てみましょう。


deriveの二つ目に意味は「派生する」ですが、同義語のcome fromの方がよく使われます。例文を見てみましょう。


Derive means “to get good things”, the origin is derived from de (origin) and rivus (flow), and the original meaning is the Latin derivare (to draw off from its source). Synonyms are get, obtain and gain. Let’s see an example sentence.

Workers derive happiness from their suitable work. Plants derive energy from the sun by photosynthesis. Clever people derive lessons even from hard experiences. Famous bloggers derive great benefits from the Internet. We derive knowledge from books.

The second meaning of derive is “to develop”, but synonymous phrase “come from” is more often used. Let’s see an example sentence.

Many English words derive from Greek and Latin. The word pedestrian derive from the etymology ped (leg). Many Japanese loanwords are derived from English.


derivative /dɪrívəṭɪv/ : 金融派生商品




Derivative means “a kind of financial products”, the origin is derived from de (starting point) and rivus (flow), and the original meaning is the Latin deriver (to draw off from the source).

Derivative is commonly used in the field of finance. Derivatives are financial instruments derived from basic assets and products. Derivatives are roughly divided into three categories: future trading, option transactions and swap transactions.

The purpose of investors’ use of derivatives is primarily risk hedging. Financial exchanges handle not only equities and bonds but also derivatives.


rival /rάɪv(ə)l/ : 競争相手



Rival means “a competitor”, the etymology comes from rivus (stream), and the synonym is competitor. Rival originally meant “persons who use the same river.” Since the water interests cause conflict, rival get to mean “a competitor”. Let’s see an example sentence.

Politicians win the political rivals by election and lead the country. To increase motivation for work and study, it is effective to make your rival. Love rivals often appear in love novels. In order to monopolize the profit of the market, it is necessary to eliminate rival companies and business rivals. Diamonds have no rival in beauty.


rivalry /rάɪv(ə)lri/ 競争

rivalryは「競争」を意味し、語源はrival(競争相手)に由来し、同義語はcompetition, struggleです。例文を見てみましょう。

北朝鮮と韓国は対立関係にあります。バトル漫画では、よく主人公がクールで優秀なライバルに対抗意識を持ちます。雰囲気のいい学校では、生徒たちは勉強やスポーツで切磋琢磨します。Google, Apple, Microsoftの間では熾烈なライバル関係があります。

Rivalry means “competition”, the origin is derived from rival (competitor), synonyms are competition and struggle. Let’s see an example sentence.

There is rivalry between North Korea and Korea. In the battle cartoon, the hero often has a sense of rivalry against an excellent and cool rival. At a school with a good atmosphere, the students have friendly rivalry in their studies and sports. There is a fierce rivalry relationship between Google, Apple, and Microsoft.


river /rívɚ/ : 川

riverは「川」を意味し、語源はriparius(川岸の)に由来し、同義語はstream, brookです。例文を見てみましょう。

ミシシッピ川はアメリカで最も長い川で、信濃川は日本で一番長い川です。テムズ川は南イングランドを流れる大きな川です。カバはriver horseとも呼ばれます。夏には子供達が川で泳ぎます。

River means “a natural flow of water”, the etymology comes from riparius (river bank), synonyms are stream and brook. Let’s see an example sentence.

The Mississippi River is the longest river in America, and the Shinano river is the longest river in Japan. The Thames is a big river flowing through South England. Hippo is also called river horse. Children swim in the river in the summer.


riverside /rɪ́vɚsàɪd/ : 川岸・河畔



Riverside means “the land along side of the river”, the etymology comes from river and side, and the synonym is riverbank. Let’s see an example sentence.

People who are busy with work on weekdays sit at riverside on a holiday and relax. The riverside path is suitable for walking or jogging. The sunset seen from the restaurant along the riverside is very beautiful. College students do barbecue on the riverside and welcome new students.
