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語源plaud, plod (叩く)の英単語の意味まとめ



applaud /əplˈɔːd/ : 拍手する


Applaud means “to clap your hands”, the etymology comes from ad (direction) and plaudere (to clap), and the noun form is applause. The synonym “clap” is more common in everyday conversation. Let’s see an example sentence. Applause is the action to convey the impression to the opponent. The audience applaud enthusiastically for a wonderful performance and performance. The spectators applaud to the players.


explode /eksplóʊd/ : 爆発する

explodeは「爆発する」を意味し、語源はex(外)とplaudere(拍手する)に由来します。同義語はgo off, blow up, burst, detonateで、名詞形はexplosion、形容詞形はexplosiveです。例文を見てみましょう。テロリストは爆弾を爆発させて、不特定多数の人を殺害しようとします。飛行機の中に爆発物を持ち込むことはできません。飛行機に設置された爆弾が爆発すると、飛行機は墜落します。安全管理のされていない炭鉱では、ガス爆発が発生する可能性があります。地雷の役割は、爆発して兵士の手足を吹き飛ばすことです。


Explode means “to burst and cause damage”, and the etymology comes from ex (outside) and plaudere (to clap). Synonyms are go off, blow up, burst and detonate, and its noun form is explosion, its adjective form is explosive. Let’s see an example sentence. Terrorists will explode bombs and try to kill unspecified number of people. You can not bring explosives into an airplane. When a bomb installed in an airplane explodes, the plane crashes. Gas explosion may occur in coal mines that are not under safety management. The role of mines is to explode and blow off soldiers’ limbs.

Also explode is sometimes used figuratively. For example, when a person gets stressed to the limit, he will explode with rage. Also, when listening to a very funny pun, we will explode with laughter. Population is exploding in Africa. In the student movement students exploded into riots.


implode /ɪmplˈəʊd/ : 内破する


Implode means “to burst from the inside”, the etymology comes from in (into) and explosion. The noun form is implosion and the antonym is explode.


plaudits /plɔ́dɪts/ : 拍手

plauditsは「拍手」を意味し、語源はplaudere(拍手する)に由来し、同義語はclap, applauseです。この単語は常に複数形で使われます。例文を見てみましょう。観客は役者の素晴らしい演技に盛大な拍手を送ります。一流の映画は批評家からも賞賛を受け取ります。

Plaudits means “clapping”, the etymology comes from plaudere (clapping), synonyms are clap, applause. This word is always used in plural form. Let’s see an example sentence. The audience gives great plaudits to the wonderful performances of the actors. First-class movies also receive plaudits from critics.


plausible /plˈɔːzəbl/ : もっともらしい


Plausible means “likely to be true”, the etymology comes from plaudere (clapping), the original meaning is Latin plausibilis (acceptable). Synonym is reasonable. Let’s see an example sentence. People with good mouth will arrange plausible pretenses when they fail. Liars are good at making the story plausible.
