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語源pare (育てる)の英単語の意味まとめ



oviparous /oʊvíp(ə)rəs/ : 卵生の


Oviparous means “producing children from an egg”, and the etymology comes from ovum (egg) and parere (raise). Its antonym is viviparous, its noun form is oviparity. Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs. Most fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and insects are classified as oviparous animals. Children of oviparous animals receive nutrients necessary for growth from egg yolk. The advantage of oviparity is that they can produce a lot of children, and it can save time and effort for parenting. On the other hand, the disadvantage of oviparity is that most of the children born will die.


parent /pé(ə)rənt/ : 親


Parent means “the father or mother”, and the etymology comes from parere (raising). Let’s see an example sentence. Parents have an obligation to support children. PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) is an organization that conducts volunteer activities for students, and parents and teachers join. Many Japanese parents are reluctant to PTA activities. Children who have lost their parents at a young age can be raised by foster parents. The role of the parent bird is to protect and nurture the birds. Single parent households are unlikely to secure sufficient child support costs and are highly likely to become poverty.


parentage /pé(ə)rənṭɪdʒ/ : 家柄

parentageは「家柄」を意味し、語源はparent(親)に由来し、同義語はfamily, birthです。例文を見てみましょう。家柄の良い人は、マナーや言葉遣いがしっかりしており、他人を不快にさせません。身元調査は探偵や興信所の仕事です。

Parentage means “someone’s parents or families”, the etymology comes from parent, its synonyms are family and birth. Let’s see an example sentence. People with good parentage, have good manners and wording, and do not make others unpleasant. Examination of one’s birth and parentage is the work of the detective and detective agencies.


parental /pərénṭl/ : 親の


Parental means “relating to parent”, and the etymology comes from parent. Let’s see an example sentence. Children need parental love. It is the parental responsibility to train the child properly. Parents who have newborn babies can take a parental leave. Minors needs parental consent to receive cosmetic surgery. In Japan, when parents divorce, the mother usually get parental rights (or custody). Parents who abuse children are stripped of parental rights.


viviparous /vɑɪvíp(ə)rəs/ : 胎生の


Viviparous means “producing children instead of an egg”, and the etymology comes from vivus (to live) and parere (to raise). Antonym is oviparous, its noun form is viviparity. A viviparous animal is an animal that hatches eggs in the body and gives birth in the form of children. Most mammals such as humans, dogs, and cats are classified as viviparous animals. Viviparous animals raise the fetus in the uterus, and this condition is called pregnancy. The advantage of viviparity is that children born are more likely to survive. The disadvantage of viviparity is that mothers have to bear much burden.
