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語源anim (生命)の英単語の意味まとめ



animal /ˈænəm(ə)l/:動物

animalは「動物」を意味し、語源はanima(命)に由来します。原義はラテン語のanimale(呼吸をするもの)です。同義語はbeast, bruteです。


Animal means “a living creature”, and the etymology comes from anima (life). The original is Latin animale (breathing). Synonyms are beast and brute. Let’s see an example sentence.

Wild animals can live freely, but they have to find their foods by themselves. Human tame domestic animals to secure food. It is thanks to experimental animals that we can take medicines safely.

Vertebrate animals are divided into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. Mollusks, shellfish, insects are classified as invertebrate animals. 

Abuse of animals is forbidden by law. Animal protection groups protect the abandoned animals and look for their owners.


animated /ˈænəmèɪṭɪd/:活気に満ちた

animatedは「活気に満ちた」を意味し、語源はanima(命)に由来します。原義はラテン語のanimare(息を吹き込む)です。同義語はactive, energetic, lively, vigorousです。


Animated means “full of energy”, and the origin is derived from anima (life). The original meaning is Latin animare (breathing in). Synonyms are active, energetic, lively, vigorous. Let’s see an example sentence.

Excellent planning comes from animated discussion. Exercise in the morning makes our face animated. An animated conversation fills our heart.


animation /`ænəméɪʃən/:アニメーション



Animation means “an animated film”, and the origin is derived from anima (life). The original meaning is Latin animare (breath in).

Animation is a technique that gives motions to pictures by continuously shooting still images. Meanwhile, the movie was taken of the actual movement. When we see that our favorite character is moving in animation, we will be impressed.


animism /ˈænəmìzm/:アニミズム、汎神論



Animism means “a religion for everything”, and the etymology comes from anima (life) and ism (theory). Animism is a religion that everything in the world has their own souls.

The word “animism” is a coined word made by British anthropologist Edward Burnett Tyler. He insists that animism is the origin of all religions in his own work “primitive culture.”


animosity /`ænəmάsəṭi/:敵意

animosityは「敵意」を意味し、語源はanima(魂)に由来します。同義語はhostility, antipathyです。


Animosity means ‘hostility’, and the etymology comes from anima (soul). The synonyms are hostility, antipathy. Let’s see an example sentence.

The bereaved families of the victims of the murder case reveal animosity towards the criminal. When government scandals and corruption are reported, citizens feel animosity to the government.

The poor have animosity towards immigrants who rely on their own welfare, and participate in the exclusion movement of immigrants.


magnanimous /mægnˈænəməs/:寛容な

magnanimousは「寛容な」を意味し、語源はmagnus(大きい)とanimus(魂)に由来します。同義語はkind, generous, tolerantです。


Magnanimous means “generous”, and the origin is derived from magnus (big) and animus (soul). Synonyms are kind, generous, tolerant.

Magnanimous people rarely get angry and criticize others, and they are liked by many people. A boss should take a magnanimous attitude towards his men’s mistakes. Then their men will not be afraid of failures and will work ambitiously. A magnanimous man tend to be popular with women.


unanimous /juːnˈænəməs/:全会一致



Unanimous means “agreed by all”, and the origin is derived from unus (one) and animus (heart). The original meaning is Latin unanimus (united and united).

Unanimous means all parties agree. Let’s see example sentences.

If the country becomes financial difficulties, the tax increase bill will be unanimously decided. A man of character will elected as a chairman by a unanimous vote.
