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語源tur, turb (回転)の英単語の意味まとめ



disturb /dɪstˈɚːb/ : 邪魔をする

disturbは「邪魔をする」を意味し、語源はdis(完全に)とturbare(乱す)に由来し、原義はラテン語のdisturbare(かき乱す)です。同義語はinterrupt, interfere, hinder, obstructです。例文を見てみましょう。騒音は私たちの睡眠を妨げます。治安を乱す人間は法の裁きを受けます。マスコミは有名人の私生活を乱すべきではありません。大声でのおしゃべりは生徒の勉強を妨げます。

Disturb means “to stop someone from doing”, the etymology comes from dis (completely) and turbare (disturbed), and the original meaning is Latin disturbare (disturbing). Synonyms are interrupt, interfere, hinder and obstruct. Let’s see an example sentence. Noise disturbs our sleep. People who disturb public order will be judged by law. The media should not disturb the private life of celebrities. Loud chattering disturb students’ study.


perturb /pɚtˈɚːb/ : 不安にさせる

perturbは「不安にさせる」を意味し、語源はper(通過)とturbare(乱す)に由来し、原義はラテン語のperturbare(混乱させる)です。perturbは受け身で使われることが多いです。同義語はconfuse, puzzle, embarrass, bewilderです。例文を見てみましょう。貧乏人は常にお金の心配をしています。女性は太ることを気にしています。お年寄りは自分の健康を心配します。

Perturb means “make someone worried,” the origin is derived from per (through) and turbare (disturb), and the original meaning is Latin perturbare (to confuse). Perturb is often used as passive. Synonyms are confuse, puzzle, embarrass and bewilder. Let’s see an example sentence. The poor are always perturbed about money. Women are perturbed about getting fat. The elderly are perturbed about their health.


trouble /trˈʌbl/ : 迷惑

troubleは「迷惑」を意味し、語源はturba(乱れ)に由来し、原義はturbidare(濁らせる)です。同義語はproblem, difficulty, bother, nuisanceです。例文を見てみましょう。親はいたずらっ子に手を焼いています。やんちゃな子供は親に迷惑をかけます。道端で困っている人を見つけたら、「お困りですか?」と声をかけるべきです。起業家は数多くの困難に直面します。

Trouble means “difficulty”, the origin is derived from turba (turbulence), and the original meaning is turbidare (turbid). Synonyms are problem, difficulty, bother and nuisance. Let’s see an example sentence. Parents have troubles with their mischievous child. A naughty child causes troubles to her parents. If you find a person in trouble at the roadside, you should say “What’s the trouble?”. Entrepreneurs face many troubles.


turbid /tˈɚːbɪd/ : 濁った

turbidは「濁った」を意味し、語源はturbare(混乱させる)に由来します。同義語はmuddy, cloudyです。例文を見てみましょう。台風が発生すると、川の水が濁ります。工業用排水を捨てるには濁水処理装置が必要です。

Turbid means “dirty and muddy”, and the etymology comes from turbare (confusing). Synonyms are muddy and cloudy. Let’s see an example sentence. When a typhoon strikes, the water in the river turns turbid. Throwing away industrial wastewater needs a turbid water treatment device.


turbine /tˈɚːbɪn/ : タービン


Turbine means “equipment to generate energy”, and the etymology comes from turba (crowd). Let’s see an example sentence. A turbine is a device that converts liquid or gas movement to other energy. For example, a wind turbine converts wind power into electric energy. The gas turbine engine is used as a power source for aircraft. Steam turbines are used for ships, thermal power generation, and nuclear power generation.


turbo : ターボ車


Turbo means “a car with a turbocharged engine”, and the origin is derived from turbine. A turbo car is a car equipped with a turbocharged engine. The turbocharger utilizes kinetic energy of the exhaust gas to raise the performance of the car.


turbulence /tˈɚːbjʊləns/ : 乱気流


Turbulence means “violent movement of the air”, and the etymology comes from turba (fuss). Turbulence is an irregular and violent flow of air. Turbulence is a major threat to airplanes. When an airplane touches turbulence, the airplane shakes greatly and in the worst case crashes. Therefore, the pilot has to avoid turbulence as much as possible.


turbulent /tˈɚːbjʊlənt/ : 激動の

