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語源cant, cantus, cantare (歌う)の英単語の意味まとめ



accent /ˈæksent/ : 訛り、アクセント



Accent means “a particular way of pronunciation”. The etymology comes from ad (direction) and cantus (song). The original meaning is accentus (song added to speech).

Accent is the way to pronounce words in a particular area. The synonym “dialect” include not only pronunciation but also vocabulary and grammar. Let’s see example sentences of accent.

The word “can’t” has different pronunciation whether in British accent or in American accent. People from Asian countries speak English with a strong accent, so even native English speakers cannot listen it correctly sometimes.

accentの二つ目の意味は「強調するべき点」で、同義語はemphasis, stressです。

The second meaning of accent is “the point to emphasize”. Its synonyms are emphasis and stress. If you want to lead a happy life, you should put an accent on action instead of knowledge. Accent is also used in word pronunciation. For example, in the word ‘guitar’ the accent is on the second syllable.


cantabile /kɑːntάːbɪlèɪ/ : 歌うように



Cantabile means “songlike” in Italian. The etymology comes from canrare (song). Cantabile which means “songlike”, is one of expression marks. This is one of musical marks.

Other musical marks are dynamics mark (piano, forte etc) and tempo mark (adagio, andante etc) etc. Most musical marks are written in Italian, because Italy was the center of music when musical notation was developed.

Cantabile is also used in manga works. “Nodame Cantabile” is the Japanese manga work with the theme of classic music.


cantata /kəntάːṭə/ : カンタータ



Cantata means “a vocal music with accompaniment”. The etymology comes from cantare (to sing). The original meaning is “that which is sung” in Italian.

Cantata is one of the vocal music. Cantata has two kinds by its content: secular cantata and church cantata. Secular cantata is the one that composers produced to celebrate their loads or aristocrats, developed mainly in Italy. On the other hand, church cantata is composed for a church service, expanded mainly in Germany.


chant /tʃˈænt/ : 連呼する、お経を唱える


Chant means “to repeat the words again and again”. The etymology comes from cantare (to sing). Chant is used to say a slogan in political demonstration. Let’s see example sentences of chant.

In the demonstration “Occupy Wall Street” in America, demo participants chanted “We are the 99%”. This demo criticizes that wealthy class, 1% of American people, are given good treatment unfairly.


The second meaning of chant is “to say a prayer or sutra”. In Japanese funerals, a Buddhist priest chant a Buddhist sutra. The Heart Sutra is the most popular Buddhist Bible, and chanted in many Buddhist denominations. In Buddhist schools, students chant the Heart Sutra in a morning assembly.


enchant /ɪntʃˈænt/ : 魅了する


原義はラテン語のincantare(引きつける)です。同義語はattract, fascinate, charmです。

Enchant means “to make someone like it very much”. The etymology comes from in (within) and cantare (to sing). The original meaning is incantare (to attract) in Latin. The synonyms are attract, fascinate and charm. Let’s see example sentences of enchant.

Kitten’s adorable movement enchants us. Audiences are enchanted by magician’s magic. The beautiful scenery from a Ferris wheel makes us enchanted. Many women are enchanted by beautiful jewels.


incentive /ɪnsénṭɪv/ : 動機


Incentive means “something to encourage your work”. The etymology comes from in (into) and canare (to sing). The synonym is motivation. Let’s see example sentences of incentive.

For many bloggers, earning advertising income is the main incentive to run their blog. Because Japanese employment adopts seniority system and lifetime employment, full-time worker has no incentive to enhance their skills.

Japanese small and medium-sized companies can receive tax incentive by capital investment, which can reduce the tax payment. The sales job in insurance and real estate companies adopts an incentive wage system to increase their motivation.
