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語源cur, currere (流れる、走る)の英単語の意味まとめ



concur /kənkˈɚː/ : 同意する


原義はラテン語のconcurrere(一緒に走る)です。同義語はagree, assent, consent, approveです。

Concur means “to agree”. The etymology comes from com (together) and currere (to run). The original meaning is concurrere (to run together) in Latin. The synonyms are agree, assent, consent and approve.

Concur is a very formal word, used in official context. Let’s see example sentences of concur. Let’s concur with the opinion that you think good in a meeting.


corridor /kˈɔːrədɚ/ : 廊下

corridorは「廊下」を意味し、語源はラテン語のcurrere(走る)に由来します。同義語はhall, hallway, passageです。

Corridor means “a narrow passage in a building”. The etymology comes from currere (to run) in Latin. The synonyms are hall, hallway and passage. Corridor is a passage connect the room to other rooms in a building. Let’s see example sentences of corridor.

A teacher advises children not to run down the corridor. A doctor is always busy: we should wait in the corridor of a hospital after check-in. The bathroom is at the end of the corridor.


courier /kˈʊriɚ/ : クーリエ



Courier means “an international delivery service”. The etymology comes from currere (to run). It originally means “an express messenger” in French.

Courier is a service to send a document or small package with international mail. It undertakes from customs clearance to the delivery to the local area and easily transports to foreign countries in a short time.


course /kˈɔɚs/ : 学習コース


Course means “a series of lessons in a particular subject”. The etymology comes from currere (to run). In this meaning, “course” is always followed by “in”. Let’s see example sentences of course.

People who want to learn cooking, take an introductory course in cooking. People who want to learn in working during the daytime, take an evening course.


currency /kˈɚːrənsi/ : 通貨

currencyは「通貨」を意味し、語源はcurrere(走る)に由来します。同義語はmoney, cash, change, bill, coinです。


Currency means “money used in a particular country”. The etymology comes from currere (to run). The synonyms are money, cash, change, bill and coin. Currency means money used in a particular country. Let’s see example sentences of currency.

European countries use euro as a single currency. At a foreign travel, we exchange Japanese currency for foreign currency. Hard currency such as yen, dollar and euro has a stable value, used for payment of busyness. On the other hand, soft currency has a small distribution and unstable value, used for FX trading. The local currency of Thailand is Thai Baht.


current /kˈɚːrənt/ : 現在の、流れ

currentは「現在の」を意味し、語源はcurrere(流れる)に由来します。同義語はpresent, existingです。

Current means “happing or existing now”. The etymology comes from currere (to run). The synonyms are present and existing. Let’s see example sentences of current.

We write our current address in our resume. We are sometimes asked our current job in a police questioning. Less convenience stores allows us to browse a current issue of Shounen Jump.

Current is used for a term of accounting or finance. Current account is an account which companies and self employed persons use for their payment, also called checking account in America. Current asset is the asset that is cashed immediately like securities or drafts.


The second meaning of current is “a continuous movement”, and the synonyms are flow and stream.

Humans are easily washed away in a river with strong current. Aircrafts make a flight by using air current. Low pressure cause a rising current of air, which forms rain clouds. Fishing industry is largely affected by an ocean current.

Current is also used in electricity. Direct current (DC) is an electric movement without changing its direction and voltage, used in dry batteries or rechargeable batteries. Some electric appliances also uses direct current. Alternating current (AC) is an electric movement changing its direction regularly, used for household outlets.


curriculum /kəríkjʊləm/ : 教育課程


原義はラテン語のcurriculum(走ること)です。同義語はcourse of studyとsyllabusです。


Curriculum means “a plan of teaching”. The etymology comes from currere (to run). The original meaning is curriculum (a running) in Latin. The synonyms are course of study and syllabus.

Curriculum is a plan of teaching in a school. Only students finishing their curriculum can graduate from their school. Compulsory subjects and second foreign language are in the curriculum of college freshmen. By the way, resume is called “curriculum viate” in British English, abbreviated to CV.


excursion /ɪkskˈɚːʒən/ : 短期の旅行


原義はラテン語のexcursionem(出撃)で、同義語はtrip, journey, travelです。


Excursion means “a short journey”, and its etymology comes from ex (out) and currere (to run). The original meaning is excursionem (sally) in Latin. The synonyms are trip, journey and travel.

Excursion means a short term travel of a group on a holiday. Let’s see example sentences of excursion.

People make an excursion to a seaside in summer. Solitary persons do not participate in excursion. Many people may go on a school excursion to Okinawa or Tokyo. On an excursion ship, we can see beautiful scenery of the sea. Excursion is put off due to the rain.


occur /əkˈɚː/ : 発生する


原義はラテン語のoccurrere(偶然出会う)です。同義語はhappen, take placeです。

Occur means “to happen”, and its etymology comes from ob (against) and currere (to run). The original meaning is occurrere (to run to meet) in Latin. The synonyms are happen and take place.

Occur is a formal word, and “happen” is used in everyday English. Let’s see example sentences of occur.

The Great East Japan earthquake occurred at March 11, 2011 and cause serious damage to East Japan. Earthquakes frequently occur in Japan. Traffic accidents occur very often at places with bad visibility. When you write a wrong code, errors will occur.


precursor /prɪkˈɚːsɚ/ : 先行するもの、前駆体


Precursor means “something or someone to go first”, and its etymology comes from prae (before) and currere (to run).

The original meaning is praecursor (antecedents) in Latin. Its synonym is pioneer. In a business, a precursor can take a large profit.


recur /rɪkˈɚː/ : 再発する


Recur means “to happen again”, and its etymology comes from re (again) and currere (to run). The original meaning is recurrere (return) in Latin. Let’s see example sentences of recur.

Cancer and depression are diseases that recur frequently. Rewarding good and punishing evil is a recurring theme in many anime, comics and games. Recur is used in mathematics. Recurring decimals are the decimals that repeat same numbers like 2.2234234.
