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語源am, amare, amor (愛)の英単語の意味まとめ



amateur /ˈæmət`ɚː/ : アマチュア


Amateur means “someone play sports or game as hobby not as a job”, and the etymology comes from amare (love). Original meaning is a Latin amatorem (lover). Amateurs are people who enjoy sports and games as entertainment.

Antonym of amateurs is professional, they seriously work on sports and games for money purposes. It is because they can not earn money if they give out the result.


amenity /əménəṭi/ : 快適な設備


Amenity means “comfortable equipment for living places”, and the etymology comes from amare (love). The original meaning is Latin amoenitatem (comfort).

Amenity means facilities and tools for comfortable living, usually in plural form. For example, rural houses do not have basic amenities such as water supply, gas and internet. The bathroom amenities in the hotel bathroom are disposable. LCC is cheap, but they do not offer amenities such as eye mask and blanket. “Amenity goods” is Japanese-English, not used in normal English.


amiable /éɪmiəbl/ : 愛想のいい


Amiable means “friendly”, and the etymology comes from amicus (friend). Synonyms are friendly and sociable. Let’s see example sentences of amiable. In the hospitality industry, an amiable person is employed easily. An amiable atmosphere makes people calm. Sociable persons can see any person in an amiable manner. An amiable person is popular with the opposite sex.


amicable /ˈæmɪkəbl/ : 友好的な

amicableは「友好的」を意味し、語源はamicus(友人)に由来します。同義語はfriendlyです。amicableはsettlement, relationship, agreementなどの名詞の前で使われます。

Amicable means “friendly”, and the etymology comes from amicus (friend). Synonym is friendly. Amicable is used before nouns such as settlement, relationship, agreement.

An amicable relationship with business partners is essential for smooth work. In order to maximize your own profit, you need to talk with your opponent in amicable manner. People with a high negotiation skill can bring to an amicable settlement. A small country can not survive without maintaining amicable relationship with foreign countries.


amity /ˈæməṭi/ : 友好関係

amityは「国同士の友好関係」を意味し、語源はamicus(友人)に由来します。同義語はpeacefulnessで、対義語はhostility, enmityです。

Amity means “friendship between countries”, and the origin is derived from amicus (friends). Synonym is peacefulness, antonyms are hostility and enmity. Let’s see an example sentence of amity.

In 1854 the Edo Shogunate concluded a treaty between Japan and the United States with the Japan-US Treaty of Peace and Amity. In 1978 Japan signed a Japan-China Peace and Amity Treaty with China.


amorous /ˈæm(ə)rəs/ : 色気の


Amorous means “having sex appeal”, and the etymology comes from amor (love). Synonym is erotic. Let’s look at an example sentence of amorous.

Obviously amorous men are unpopular with women. Amorous women are popular with men. Amorous men frequently use sexual services. A bar girl seduces men with amorous eyes and wastes them much money. Prostitutes do amorous affairs with strange men for earning money.


enamored /ɪˈnæm.ɚd/ : 大好きになる


Enamored means “liking something very much”, and the etymology comes from in (middle) and amor (love). Enamored basically does not qualify a noun, accompanies a preposition of “of” or “with”, and used in predicative use. Let’s see example sentences of enamored.

Those who like English will get enamored of the work of translation. If you can get enamored with your current job, you may be happy.
