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語源plac, please (落ち着く)の英単語の意味まとめ



implacable /ìmplˈækəbl/ : 執拗な

implacableは「執拗な」を意味し、語源はin(否定)とplacare(なだめる)に由来し、同義語はobstinate, persistent, stubborn, vindictiveです。例文を見てみましょう。


Implacable means “continuing to oppose”, the etymology comes from in (not) and placare (to calm down), synonyms are obstinate, persistent, stubborn and vindictive. Let’s see example sentences.

The war left implacable hatred of many people. It is difficult to beat implacable enemies. Crime victims have a implacable hatred towards criminals.


placate /pləkéɪt/ : 怒りを鎮める

placateは「怒りを鎮める」を意味し、語源はplacare(落ち着かせる)に由来します。同義語はcoax, soothe, calm, appeaseです。例文を見てみましょう。


Placate means “to calm down someone’s anger”, and the etymology comes from placare (calm down). Synonyms are coax, soothe, calm and appease. Let’s see example sentences.

Sacrifice is a ceremony to placate the anger of God. A gentleman can placate his anger on his own. A clerk sometimes has to placate customers’ anger. Sympathy is effective to placate an angry partner.


placebo /pləsíːboʊ/ : 偽薬





Placebo means “a not real medicine”, and the etymology comes from Latin placebo (I shall please). Placebo originally meant medicine to please the patient. Let’s see example sentences.

A placebo is a medicine that has the same appearance as a genuine medicine but has no pharmacological effect.

Even if you taking placebo thinking it is genuine, your symptoms may improve. The phenomenon is called a placebo effect.

The purpose of using placebo is to reveal the difference in effect between genuine medicine and placebo.


placid /plˈæsɪd/ : 穏やかな

placidは「穏やかな」を意味し、語源はplacare(喜ばせる)に由来します。同義語はquiet, calm, gentle, friendlyです。例文を見てみましょう。


Placid means “calm”, and the etymology comes from placare (to please). Synonyms are quiet, calm, gentle and friendly. Let’s see example sentences.

A placid baby gives peace of mother. A placid person is easy to get other’s trust. If you want to succeed in investment, let’s invest in a placid mind. A placid person likes to stay alone.


pleasant /pléznt/ : 楽しい

pleasantは「楽しい」を意味し、語源はplacare(なだめる)に由来します。同義語はhappy, enjoyable, delightful, merryで、対義語はunpleasant, disgusting, offensiveです。例文を見てみましょう。


Pleasant means “enjoyable”, the etymology comes from placare (soothing). Synonyms are happy, enjoyable, delightful and merry. Antonyms are unpleasant, disgusting and offensive. Let’s see example sentences.

Sociable people spend a pleasant time at the party. Travel and romance are pleasant experiences. The pleasant sound of classical music calms the listener’s heart. A pleasant smell of curry stimulates our appetite. It is thanks to the latest home appliances that we can make a pleasant life.


please /plíːz/ : どうぞ



Please mean “a polite word for request” and the etymology comes from placare (to calm down). Please is used as an interjection when asking for someone politely. Let’s see example sentences.

The company interviewer says to the applicant “Please sit down.” The library staff notes the noisy people “Please quietly in the library”. At restaurant, guests say to the waiter “Please give me some water.”


pleasure /pléʒɚ/ : 楽しみ

pleasureは「楽しみ」を意味し、語源はplacere(楽しい)に由来します。同義語はhappiness, enjoyment, delightです。例文を見てみましょう。


Pleasure means “fun”, and the etymology comes from placere (fun). Synonyms are happiness, enjoyment and delight. Let’s see example sentences.

People who can find pleasure in their work are happy. Money used for pleasure is not become expenses. “There is no pleasure without pain” is a famous proverb. Bloggers have great pleasure in writing.


pleasurable /pléʒ(ə)rəbl/ : 楽しい

pleasurableは「楽しい」を意味し、語源はpleasureとableに由来します。同義語はpleasant, enjoyableです。例文を見てみましょう。


Pleasurable means “fun”, and the etymology comes from pleasure and able. Synonyms are pleasant and enjoyable. Let’s see an example sentence.

A healthy child plays with his friends in a pleasurable manner. Popular cartoons are pleasurable to read. School excursion is the most pleasurable memory for the students. Sports is a very pleasurable activity.
