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語源prox, proach (近い)の英単語の意味まとめ



approach /əprˈəʊtʃ/ : 手法、近づく

approachは「手法」を意味し、語源はad(方向)とpropiare(近づく)に由来します。同義語はway, methodです。例文を見てみましょう。生徒が真面目の授業を聞かないとき、先生は別の教え方を採用するべきです。子供に英語を楽しく学習させたいなら、英会話やロールプレイなどのコミュニカティブアプローチが有効です。英単語の語源を学ぶことは、語彙を増やす新しい手法です。

approachの二つ目の意味は「近づく」で、同義語はget near, get closer, come nearです。例文を見てみましょう。自動ドアは人が近づくと自動的に開きます。自動照明も人が近づくことで自動で点灯します。夜道で後ろから誰かが急に近づいてくると、恐怖を感じます。詐欺師は笑顔で善人のふりをしながら私たちに近づいて、お金を巻き上げます。

Approach means “way of doing something”, and the etymology comes from ad (direction) and propiare (approaching). The synonyms are way and method. Let’s see an example sentence. When a student does not listen to serious lessons, the teacher should adopt another teaching approach. If you want children to have fun learning English, communicative approaches such as English conversation and role play are effective. Learning the etymology of English words is a new approach to increase vocabulary.

The second meaning of approach is “get closer”, the synonyms are get near, get closer and come near. Let’s see an example sentence. Automatic doors will open automatically when people approach. Automatic lighting also turns on automatically when people approach. When someone suddenly approaches from behind in the night road, we feel terror. The fraudster approaches us while pretending to be a good person with a smile and steal money.


approximate /əprάksəmət/ : おおよその


Approximate means “close but not exact”, and the etymology comes from ad (direction) and proximare (approaching). The synonym is rough, and the antonym is exact. Let’s see an example sentence. A person in a sales position will give an approximate estimate at work. Approximate number of students per class in an urban school is 40. When we are asked for the time, we will answer the approximate time. There should be few people who say accurate time. People who are familiar with cats can catch the approximate age of a cat just by looking at it. People who have good money management will calculate the approximate amount in the head before buying things.


proximity /prɑksíməṭi/ : 近いこと

proximityは「近いこと」を意味し、語源はprope(近い)に由来し、同義語はnearness, vicinityです。例文を見てみましょう。お金に余裕のある人は職場に近い部屋を借ります。大きなビルの入り口付近には警備員が立っています。実家暮らしをしている学生は家から近いことを理由に学校を選びます。

The proximity means “nearness”, the etymology comes from prope (close), and the synonym is nearness and vicinity. Let’s see an example sentence. People who can afford money borrow a room in proximity to their workplace. There are guards in proximity to the entrance of a big building. Students living in a family home choose a school for its proximity to their home.


reproach /rɪpróʊtʃ/ : 非難

reproachは「非難」を意味し、語源はre(反対)とprope(近い)に由来します。同義語はcriticism, blame, disapprovalです。例文を見てみましょう。いじめを行なった生徒は教師から厳しい叱責を受けます。ダイヤモンドは非の打ち所のない美しさがあります。陰口を叩くことは自分の顔に泥を塗ることです。起業家は最初のうちは貧乏でも、成功して恥をすすぎます。必要以上の叱責の言葉は人の心を傷つけます。

Reproach means “criticism”, and the etymology comes from re (opposite) and prope (close). The synonyms are criticism, blame and disapproval. Let’s see an example sentence. Students who bullied others receive severe reproach from their teacher. Diamond has beauty without reproach. Backbiting is to bring reproach upon you. Entrepreneurs take away reproach with success even if they are poor at first. Words of reproach more than necessary hurt the hearts of people.
