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語源plore (叫ぶ)の英単語の意味まとめ



deplore /dɪplˈɔɚ/ : 非難する

deploreは「非難する」を意味し、語源はde(完全に)とplorare(叫ぶ)に由来し、原義はラテン語のdeplorare(嘆く)です。同義語はcriticize, accuse, blame, condemn, denounceです。例文を見てみましょう。政府はテロ行為を非難します。北朝鮮がミサイルを発射するたびに、日本政府はその行為に遺憾の意を表明します。マスコミは政治家の汚職を強く非難します。

Deplore means “to blame”, the etymology comes from de (perfect) and plorare (to cry), the original meaning is Latin deplorare (mourn). Synonyms are criticize, accuse, blame, condemn and denounce. Let’s see an example sentence. The government deplores terrorism. Every time North Korea launches a missile, the Japanese government deplore the act. The media strongly deplores politicians’ corruption.


explore /ɪksplˈɔɚ/ : 探検する


Explore means “to travel an area to find something”, the etymology comes from ex (outside) and plorare (crying), the original meaning is the Latin explorare (investigate). Synonyms are search, its noun form is exploration. Let’s see example sentences. One of the work of an astronaut is to explore the universe. The survey team will explore the undeveloped land. Not busy college students explore around Tokyo. In the game of Minecraft, players are free to explore vast fields. Japan dispatches a Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition and let them explore Antarctica.


implore /ɪmplˈɔɚ/ : お願いする

imploreは「お願いする」を意味し、語源はin(中)とplorare(叫ぶ)に由来し、原義はラテン語のinplorare(助けを求める)です。同義語はbeg, entreat, plead with, appeal toです。例文を見てみましょう。親は敵兵に子どもを助けるようにと懇願します。ずる賢い子供は涙目で親に許しを請います。資金繰りに困った経営者は銀行にお金を貸すように懇願します。婚約者は兵士に戦場に行かないようにとせがみます。ずる賢い女性は色目を使って男性に金品をせがみます。

Implore means “to ask for something”, the etymology comes from in (into) and plorare (to cry), the original meaning is Latin inplorare (to ask for help). Synonyms are beg, entreat, plead with and appeal to. Let’s see an example sentence. Parents implore enemy soldiers to help children. A clever child begins to implore his parents to forgive with watery eyes. Management with cash-flow problem implore the bank lend money. Fiancée implores soldiers not to go to the battlefield. A clever woman implore a man for money and valuables with amorous glances.
